How Raccoons Live in Urban Areas

Raccoons are one of the most adaptable animals in North America, and they’re increasingly making their homes in urban areas. As cities expand into raccoon habitat, these clever critters have learned to make the best of city living. But while having a wild animal as a neighbor can be exciting, it’s important for homeowners to understand how to coexist with raccoons safely and humanely.

In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look at how raccoons live in urban areas and what you need to know about raccoon control if they become unwelcome visitors to your property.

Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Control Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Control Service in Indianapolis Indiana

How Raccoon Populations Thrive in Residential and Commercial Areas

They Eat Practically Anything

Raccoons are omnivores, so they can eat almost anything. They love to feast on fruits, nuts, and berries from backyard gardens, and they’ll happily rummage through garbage cans in search of an easy meal. Raccoons will also explore dumpsters and compost bins for food scraps. To protect their food sources, raccoons have become expert climbers, able to scale the sides of buildings and trees with ease. This allows them to access areas that other animals can’t reach.

They are Skilled at Finding Shelter

In addition to having excellent food hoarding skills, raccoons are adept at finding shelter in urban areas. They often make their homes in attics or under porches during the colder months of the year, taking advantage of the warmth and protection that a man-made structure provides. Raccoons may also take up residence in tree cavities or abandoned burrows, finding security and safety from potential predators.

They are Intelligent and Agile

Their exceptional intelligence and problem-solving skills have made raccoons a tricky nuisance for many city and suburb dwellers. They have learned to thrive in human-dominated habitats and are often found scavenging through garbage cans and climbing onto rooftops in search of food. These intelligent creatures have learned how to outsmart humans by opening latches and doors, and even picking locks. They are agile climbers, expert swimmers, and can run at impressive speeds when needed.

Protect Your Property With Raccoon Control

If you have raccoons living on your property, it’s important to remember that they are wild animals and should be treated with respect. As such, homeowners should take steps to discourage raccoon activity by removing any potential food sources like pet food dishes or uncovered garbage cans. If you need to deter raccoons from entering certain areas of your home, there are humane wildlife control methods available that can help keep them out without harming them. These include using motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices to startle away curious critters.

Professional Raccoon Removal Services

If you are dealing with a nuisance raccoon problem that won’t seem to go away, contact a local and licensed wildlife control company for raccoon removal services. They have the proper licensing, training, and resources to safely get rid of raccoons without disturbing other areas of your property. Keep in mind that many states have laws that forbid home and property owners from harming or trapping wildlife without the proper permits, including raccoons. Always enlist the job of raccoon trapping and removal to a licensed pro.

Are you ready to skip the hassle of animal-proofing against raccoons yourself? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional raccoon control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers with the most economic rates around.

Related Posts:

The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself
9 Tips for Keeping Raccoons Away From Your Home
How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic

Are you dealing with an infestation of raccoons in your attic? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Raccoons are notorious for entering attics and causing all sorts of damage. But the good news is that it’s possible to get rid of them without too much trouble. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to successfully remove raccoons from your attic and keep them away for good.

Read on to learn more about effective strategies for getting rid of pesky raccoon intruders!

Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Attic Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Attic Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis IN

Common Signs of Raccoons in the Attic

If you’ve been experiencing strange noises or disturbances coming from your attic, it’s possible that you have some furry friends living up there. Raccoons are notorious for finding their way into attics and creating a home for themselves. One of the most common signs of raccoons in the attic is the sound of scratching, thumping, or scurrying. You may also notice droppings or urine stains, as well as damage to insulation, ductwork, or wiring. If you suspect that raccoons have taken up residence in your attic, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential health hazards.

Step-By-Step Guide for Getting Rid of Raccoons:

Identify All Raccoon Entry Points

The first step in getting rid of raccoons in the attic is to identify any potential entry points. Raccoons are small and agile, so they can often find their way into spaces that seem impenetrable. Look for possible openings around windows, doors, or vents, which could be used as an entry point. Once you’ve identified these areas, seal them off with sturdy materials like metal flashing or hardware cloth to make sure the raccoons can’t get back in again.

Procure Raccoon Exclusion and Proofing Devices

Next up is exclusion. To exclude raccoon intruders from your attic, you’ll need to install one-way exclusion devices at all potential access points. These devices allow the animals to leave your property but block them from re-entering. Make sure to check that the devices you’re using are raccoon-proof, as some smaller critters can squeeze through openings that may be too small for a raccoon.

Eliminate All Food Sources

Another important step in getting rid of raccoons in your attic is to remove all sources of food and shelter. Raccoons will often seek out attics due to the warmth and protection they offer from the elements. To prevent them from taking up residence, make sure to keep pet food inside, pick up fallen fruit from trees, and clean up any spilled bird seed or garbage that could serve as an attractive meal for these creatures.

Hire a Professional Raccoon Removal and Control Service

Finally, you may need to call in a professional raccoon removal and control company in Indianapolis if your efforts have not been successful. Wildlife control experts are trained to humanely legally remove raccoons from your property, as well as offering advice on how to prevent future infestations.

Getting rid of raccoons in the attic may seem like a daunting task at first, but with these tips, you can successfully evict these creatures from your home and keep them away for good!

Do you want to safely remove raccoons and prevent future animal problems on your property? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home
The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself
How Raccoon-Proof Do You Think Your House Is?

The Dangers of Raccoons: What You Need to Know

Raccoons are cute, but they can be dangerous too. While these furry critters may look harmless, it’s important to know the risks associated with nuisance raccoons and how to protect yourself from them. In this blog post, we will cover the dangers of raccoon encounters including diseases they carry, tips for raccoon removal, and raccoon control measures you should take if you have a raccoon infestation in your home. Knowing what threats raccoons pose is essential for protecting your family and pets from potential harm.

Continue reading to learn more about the risks posed by these common nuisance animals!

Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Raccoon Diseases

When it comes to raccoon diseases, there are several that you should be aware of. The most common and serious is Rabies, which can be contracted through contact with a raccoon or its saliva. Other diseases include roundworm, leptospirosis, and salmonella, all of which can cause severe illness in humans. If you ever come across a raccoon that appears sickly or looks lethargic, do not approach the animal, and call your local Indiana wildlife control agency for assistance.

Raccoon Removal

If you already have an infestation of raccoons in your home or property, it’s important to act quickly to remove them before they cause more damage or spread disease. Professional raccoon removal services can help you humanely remove raccoons from your property. They can also help with any necessary repairs and cleanup that may be required after the animals are removed.

Raccoon Proofing

Once the raccoons have been removed, it’s important to take steps to prevent future infestations. Raccoon-proof your home by sealing up any openings or access points they may use to get in, such as chimneys, attics, and vents. If these areas cannot be sealed off, consider installing an electric fence around your property to keep raccoons away. Additionally, secure all garbage cans tightly and don’t leave pet food or bird seed outside overnight as this will attract raccoons looking for a free meal.

You can also make a homemade raccoon repellent spray. The ingredients you’ll need are easy to find and can likely be found in your kitchen pantry. These include water, white vinegar, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and dish soap. You can also use menthol oil, capsaicin oil, or putrescent egg. Just combine the ingredients of your choosing in a spray bottle and then apply it to raccoon-prone areas, like gardens or trash cans. Reapplication every couple weeks should be enough to keep raccoons away for good! Be sure to keep kids and pets away from any treated areas.

Protect Your Property and Loved Ones With Raccoon Control and Awareness

By being aware of the risks associated with raccoons and taking preventative measures to control and remove them from your property, you can ensure your family is safe from any potential harm. If you want to get rid of raccoons in the Indianapolis area, your best option is to hire a qualified critter control company for expert removal services. Such teams are licensed and insured, so that you can have confidence that the job will be done properly.

So, call a professional Indianapolis raccoon removal service if you ever need assistance with getting rid of raccoons. They will have the proper knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle the situation safely.

Are you ready to skip the hassle of animal-proofing against raccoons yourself? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for licensed and insured raccoon control services in Indianapolis, Indiana, and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial properties at the most competitive prices around.

Related Posts:

How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home
How to Get Rid of Nuisance Raccoons With Garlic and Oil
Is Your Lawn a Target for Raccoon Grubbing?

9 Tips for Keeping Raccoons Away From Your Home

Raccoons are intelligent and resourceful animals, which makes them difficult to keep out of your property. They’re also strong enough to break into homes, sheds, and other buildings. If you have raccoons in your yard or near your home, it can be a major nuisance. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to deter these pests from coming around.

Below are 9 tips for keeping raccoons away from your home! With the right approach and some patience, you may be able to send those pesky critters packing without the need for professional help.

Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis

9 Ways to Get Rid of Raccoons on Your Property

1. Secure your garbage cans: Raccoons are attracted to food sources, and nothing smells better to them than a smelly garbage can. Make sure all of your trash is securely sealed in tightly-fitting lids with no gaps or cracks for raccoons to get their claws into. If possible, keep the cans inside until the day of pick up.

2. Keep pet food indoors: Raccoons have an excellent sense of smell, so they’ll be able to detect the presence of pet food and treats outside your home. To avoid attracting raccoons, make sure to store pet food and any other edible items indoors where raccoons won’t be able to access them. 

3. Use raccoon deterrents: There are many products on the market designed to repel raccoons. These include scent-based repellents, sound machines, and motion-activated sprinklers. Before purchasing any product, make sure to research it thoroughly to ensure that it is effective and safe for use near your home.

4. Seal off entry points: Raccoons may try to enter your home if there is an easy way in. To prevent this from happening, you should inspect your property for any holes or cracks that could be used as entry points and seal them up with caulk or mesh wire.

5. Keep your yard clean: A cluttered yard filled with debris can provide raccoons with a place to hide and build their nests. To make your property less attractive to raccoons, keep your yard clean and free of any potential nesting materials such as woodpiles, leaves, or grass clippings.

6. Trim tree branches: Raccoons are excellent climbers, so they can easily access the upper levels of your home if there are branches close enough for them to jump onto. Keep trees near your home trimmed so that raccoons don’t have an easy way in!

7. Install motion-sensor lights: Motion-sensor lights can be used to startle raccoons away from your property when they detect movement. This is an effective method for deterring raccoons as they’re naturally wary of bright lights and unfamiliar sounds.

8. Contact an expert for help: If you’re still having trouble getting rid of raccoons, don’t hesitate to contact a local wildlife control expert. They can provide you with advice and guidance on how to deal with your raccoon problem, as well as offer raccoon removal services if necessary.

9. Practice prevention: The best way to keep raccoons away from your home is to practice prevention. Make sure you’re following all the tips listed above and taking extra steps to secure food sources around your property. This will make it much less likely for raccoons to come back in the future!

Safe and Humane Raccoon Removal and Control

By taking these simple steps, you can help protect your property from pesky critters like raccoons. Remember that prevention is always better than cure when dealing with nuisance animals, so make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions to keep raccoons away from your home!

If you have questions about raccoon control and removal, contact one of our Indianapolis wildlife control professionals for assistance. We provide effective raccoon removal and control services for residential and commercial properties throughout central Indiana. With the right approach, you can keep raccoons away from your home for good!

Related Posts:

How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home
The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself
General Process of Raccoon Infestation Clean-Up and Repair

How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home

Have you been hearing strange noises coming from your attic or noticing damage to the exterior of your home? If so, then there is a possibility that raccoons have taken up residence in your house. Raccoons can cause extensive property damage and spread disease, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible if you think they may be living on your property.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to tell if you have an infestation of raccoons in your home and what steps need to be taken for successful raccoon removal.

Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis Indiana.

Common Signs of Raccoons in the House

The most common sign of a raccoon infestation is the presence of droppings. Raccoon droppings are relatively large—about 2-3 inches long—and tubular in shape. They are typically dark and full of undigested material such as seeds, fur, and bones from animals they’ve eaten. If you find droppings in your attic or yard, it could be an indication that a raccoon has been around.

Another telltale sign of raccoons is the sound they make. Raccoons communicate with each other and their young through loud chattering and screeching noises, which can easily be heard if they’re living close by. If you hear these sounds coming from your attic or yard, it’s a good indication that raccoons have taken up residence in your home.

You may also be able to tell if you have an infestation of raccoons by looking for damage they may have caused. Raccoons are strong and determined animals, so they can easily rip apart roofs, siding, and other parts of your home in order to gain access. They may also tear off shingles or other materials if they find a food source on the roof. If you notice any of this type of damage around your property, it’s possible that raccoons are living there.

Get Rid of Raccoons Immediately

If you have determined that there is an infestation of raccoons in your home, it’s important to take steps to get rid of them as soon as possible. Raccoon removal can be a difficult and dangerous task, so it’s best left to the professionals. A licensed pest control specialist should be able to provide you with an effective raccoon removal plan that will get rid of the unwanted guests in your home.

Raccoon Proof Your Property for Year-Round Protection

By familiarizing yourself with the signs of a raccoon infestation, you can take steps to protect your property and get rid of raccoons quickly and safely. If you think you may be dealing with a raccoon problem, it’s important to contact a professional pest control company as soon as possible. They will be able to provide you with the expertise and tools needed for successful raccoon removal.

For more information about how to detect and get rid of raccoons in your home, speak to a true professional. Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust.

Related Posts:

The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself
Why Raccoons Are Attracted to Your Property Each Night
Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?

The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself

Raccoons are resourceful creatures and can wreak havoc in your home if left unchecked. Trying to remove them yourself can be dangerous, however, as raccoons are known carriers of rabies and other diseases. In this post, we will discuss the reasons why you should never attempt to deal with a raccoon infestation on your own, and more importantly, what you can do instead to get rid of raccoons.

Call 317-535-4605 to Get Rid of Raccoons in Indianapolis.
Call 317-535-4605 to Get Rid of Raccoons in Indianapolis.

Why You Don’t Want to Mess With Raccoons

Raccoons may seem cute, but they can cause serious damage and health risks if left unchecked. While raccoons are well-adapted to living in close proximity to humans, attempting to remove these wild animals on your own can be hazardous for both you and the raccoon. It’s important to understand the dangers of trying to remove raccoons yourself and to seek professional help if a raccoon infestation occurs.

The most obvious danger of attempting to remove raccoons yourself is the potential for physical harm. Raccoons are strong, agile animals that are capable of defending themselves when threatened or cornered. Additionally, raccoons are known carriers of rabies and other diseases that can be dangerous to humans. If you make physical contact with a raccoon, it’s critical that you receive medical attention immediately as a precautionary measure.

In addition to the risks posed by direct contact with raccoons, attempting to remove them yourself can also lead to secondary problems. Raccoon droppings and urine can contain harmful bacteria and parasites, which can lead to health risks if they’re not properly removed. Additionally, raccoon infestations can cause structural damage to buildings if you don’t take the right steps to ensure that any entry points are sealed off.

The best way to protect yourself from harm and secondary issues caused by raccoons is to contact a professional Indianapolis raccoon removal and control service. Professional trappers are equipped with the necessary tools and experience to safely remove any raccoons that have taken up residence in your home or property. A licensed raccoon trapper will also be able to identify potential entry points, seal them off, and provide advice on preventing raccoons from returning in the future.

Contact a Licensed Raccoon Trapper in Indianapolis

If you think you have a raccoon infestation, it’s important to take action before the problem escalates. Trying to remove raccoons yourself is dangerous and can lead to secondary issues, so it’s best to seek help from a professional raccoon trapper if possible. Taking the right precautions can help protect you, your family, and your property from the potential hazards of raccoon infestations.

Struggling with pesky raccoons? Contact us at 317-535-4605 for your free quote and find relief from the problem quickly and humanely. Our Indianapolis, Indiana raccoon removal services are available to residential and commercial customers throughout central parts of the state. Don’t wait any longer – get in touch today!

Related Posts:

Can a Raccoon Kill a Dog?
Do Raccoons Carry Fleas?
Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?

What Do I Do If I Find a Baby Raccoon?

If you’ve ever seen a baby raccoon, you know how adorable they are. But what should you do if you find one in the wild? Or your own backyard for that matter? Well, don’t worry – the pros at Indiana Raccoon Removal are here to help!

In this post, we’ll tell you what to do if you find a baby raccoon in Indianapolis, plus how to get in touch with one of our licensed and insured wildlife rehabilitators for emergency raccoon removal and control. Keep reading for more information.

Call 317-535-4605 to Speak With a Licensed Indianapolis Raccoon Trapper!
Call 317-535-4605 to Speak With a Licensed Indianapolis Raccoon Trapper!

Why is the Baby Raccoon Alone?

Baby raccoons are undisputed as one of the cutest little creatures out there. With big eyes and soft fur, it can be near impossible not to melt at the sight of one. And while they may look helpless, these babies are actually quite independent. Mother raccoons will often leave their babies alone for long periods of time as they go off to find food. But sometimes, baby raccoons get separated from their mothers and end up lost or stranded. This can be a dangerous situation for the little ones since they’re not yet able to take care of themselves.

Luckily, there are people out there who are willing to help these baby raccoons find their way back home. Wildlife rehabilitators like Indiana Raccoon Removal work tirelessly to reunite these babies with their mothers, and they rely on the public’s help to do so. If you see a baby raccoon that needs assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help!

3 Steps to Take After Finding an Orphaned Raccoon Pup:

1. If you find a baby raccoon, don’t touch it. Don’t touch a baby raccoon if you find one. Wild animals can carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. Some species of raccoons also have a history of being aggressive, so it’s best to leave them alone.

2. Call a wildlife rehabilitator. If you find a baby raccoon, the best thing to do is to call a wildlife rehabilitator. They are specially trained to handle, relocate, and even abate woodland wildlife like these animals. So, they will know how to best help the raccoon. Please do not try to care for the raccoon yourself, as it is illegal in Indiana, plus you could put the animal in danger.

3. Provide the rehabilitator with as much information about the raccoon as possible. After finding a baby raccoon, contact a wildlife rehabilitator. Then provide the rehabilitator with as much information about the raccoon as possible. This includes where you found it, any injuries or illness you noticed and the age of the raccoon. If possible, have a photo of the animal ready for the rehabilitator to assist with identification.

Wildlife Control Tips for Raccoons

Raccoons can be a real nuisance around your property. They can cause a lot of damage, and they can be dangerous. If you have spotted raccoons around property, it is important to take steps to control them. There are a few things you can do to deter raccoons, and there are also a few things you can do to get rid of them if they become a problem.

One of the best ways to deter raccoons is to make sure your property is properly sealed up. Raccoons are very good at finding ways into buildings and homes, so make sure all your doors and windows are properly sealed. You can also install a fence around your property to keep raccoons out.

If raccoons have already started causing problems on your property, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. One thing you can do is set up traps and catch them that way. You can also use deterrents like ammonia or pepper spray to scare them away. Finally, if the raccoons are becoming too much of a problem, you may need to contact an Indianapolis pest control service for professional coon removal.

Raccoon control is important if you have spotted them around your property. Taking steps to deter them and get rid of them can help keep your property safe from damage and potential danger. Don’t hesitate to take action if you have a raccoon problem! Indiana Raccoon Removal offers raccoon removal and control services in Indianapolis to help protect your home or business from these pesky critters. Contact us at 317-535-4605 for a free quote, today!

Related Posts:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Communicable Diseases That Can Be Carried By Raccoons
Why Raccoons Are Attracted to Your Property Each Night

For Raccoon Lovers Only

Raccoons are furry, funny, curious little mammals that spark the interest of many woodland property owners. In fact, some people find raccoons so appealing, they domesticate them as pets! When raccoon-lovers spot a raccoon, a surge if excitement rushes through them, lifting their spirits and charming even the most stoic of them all. This is because raccoons are interesting to watch, from a faraway safe distance of course.

Their curiosity and intelligence fascinate those who find raccoons an interesting breed of mammal. So, when they finally disappear into the woods, we can’t help but feel a little disappointed, but more so, curious as to what they do when we are not looking.

Continue reading to learn more about raccoon behavior and how they conduct their daily lives.

Humane Raccoon Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Humane Raccoon Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

The Most Common Facts About the Common Raccoon

Procyon lotor, commonly known as the Common raccoon or North American raccoon, is a medium-sized mammal native to North America. The raccoon is the largest of the procyonid family, having a body length of 40 to 70 cm (16 to 28 in) and a body weight of 5 to 26 kg (11 to 57 lb). Its grayish coat mostly consists of dense underfur which insulates it against cold weather.

Two of the raccoon’s most distinctive features are its extremely dexterous front paws and its facial mask, which are themes in the mythology of several Native American ethnic groups. Raccoons are noted for their intelligence, with studies showing that they are able to remember the solution to tasks for up to three years.

Raccoons are one of the most common animals in North America, and they’re also one of the most interesting. Here are some facts about these masked mammals:

🦝 Raccoons are highly intelligent animals. They have been known to solve complex puzzles and open doors and cabinets.

🦝 Raccoons are excellent climbers. They can climb almost any surface, including trees, fences, and houses.

🦝 Raccoons are nocturnal animals. They are most active at night, but they can also be seen during the day.

🦝 Raccoons have sensitive hands. They have five toes on each hand, and each toe has a claw. This allows them to grip onto things tightly.

🦝 Raccoons are omnivores. This means that they eat both plants and animals. Some of their favorite foods include fruits, nuts, insects, and small mammals.

🦝 Raccoons can carry diseases. They are known to carry rabies, which is a deadly disease for humans.

What To Do If You Have a Nuisance Raccoon Problem

If you live in an area where raccoons are common, you know that these clever creatures can cause a major nuisance. Not only do they rummage through trash cans and steal pet food, but they can also carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets. If you’re dealing with a raccoon problem, you may be wondering how to get rid of them for good. Although there are a few different ways that you can go about raccoon management, the best way is to contact a licensed and insured wildlife control operator who specializes in Indianapolis raccoon removal and control.

Are you dealing with raccoon intrusions and property tampering in Indy? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?
Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?
Facts About Raccoon Eating Habits

General Process of Raccoon Infestation Clean-Up and Repair

Raccoons are capable of causing and creating quite a mess. They are known to intrude on residential and commercial spaces to take shelter from harsh weather, seasonal changes, and breeding.  Spaces such as attics, roof tops, crawl spaces, garages, sheds and more can be desirable living areas for wild raccoons. Wintertime and breeding season are prime times for raccoon infestation and problems. This is why animal-proofing a property is highly suggested; especially if this property is located near heavily forested or wooded areas, or busy cities and municipalities.

If or when you experience a raccoon infestation, you will want to know how to clean up the mess after they are removed and extracted.  With a mess so potentially large, it is often times overwhelming to decide where to begin.  The best place to start is calling a professional raccoon removal and control company.  They will have all the necessary information, recommendations, tools, equipment, technologies, and training to guide you in an affordable and effective raccoon cleanup process. 

Continue reading to learn more about the typical raccoon clean-up and restoration process, as well as advice to prevent such infestations from occurring altogether.

Raccoon Infestation Cleanup Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Raccoon Infestation Cleanup Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

The Basics Surrounding Raccoon Damage Repair and Cleanup

When raccoons make an area their home, they start destroying everything in sight. They chew through electrical wiring, saturate sheet rock and floor boarding with urine and droppings, and tear and burrow through insulation and dry wall.  They are extraordinary at making messes to make themselves more comfortable inside your domains. These messes are extensive and require an acute attention to safety and detail in order to clean it all up. So, who can handle such a job?

Call a professional Indianapolis raccoon control company in your local area!  They retain the proper tools, training, technology, and equipment to facilitate any and all raccoon cleanup and restoration projects.  Reputable raccoon removal and control companies also offer minor construction and restoration services as well.  Be sure to do your research before choosing a company to hire.

Here are the main techniques these companies use to clean up after wild raccoons:

▷ Remove and Extract all Raccoons
▷ Inspect and Assess Damages
▷ Vacuum All Droppings, Nesting Material, and Other Debris
▷ Dispose of Materials Following National EPA Standards
▷ Sanitize Entire Area to Remove Possible Germs and Parasites
▷ Odor Treatment and Elimination
▷ Remove Soiled and Torn Insulation
▷ Replace Insulation
▷ Repair Damaged Floor Boarding and/or Dry Wall

If you have raccoons in the attic or other area of your property, it is vital to act fast. Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

Raccoon Behaviors that End Up Costing You Money
How to Get Rid of Nuisance Raccoons With Garlic and Oil
How to Protect Your Garden and Flowerbeds From Raccoons

Why Raccoons Are Attracted to Your Property Each Night

Raccoons are one of nature’s most clever and adaptable mammals. They retain some superlative survival skills, including excellent climbing and grasping capabilities. Several attributes and comforts around a home or business can be very attractive to local raccoons.

Effects like land over-development, inclement weather, damaged habitats, strong breeding, and pure curiosity are all reasons why raccoons are choosing urban and suburban areas for sources of food and shelter.  With all of these factors at play, it is no surprise that nuisance raccoons have become a problem in so many communities around Indiana.

If you are currently experiencing a raccoon problem on your property, continue below to learn what it is that may have attracted them there in the first place, plus what you can do to get rid of raccoons safely.

Indianapolis Raccoon Trappers 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Trappers 317-535-4605

Raccoons Love Your Property Because It Offers:

Accessible Pet Food

Raccoons are most motivated by food, just as any other wild animal.  When homeowner’s leave food sources outside or in their garage, raccoons are sure to sniff it out.  They are great at hunting down meals, especially easy ones.  Edibles such as pet food, garden produce, bird feed, and even dirty grills can all be desirable snacks for raccoons and other wild animals alike.  If you have any of these items on your property, it may be the cause of your late-night visitors. 

Outdoor pets like dogs and cats should be fed indoors or garages.  This prevents the need to leave pet dishes full of food, outside.  Raccoons love dog and cat food; it is tasty and provides nutrition and protein.  If feeding a pet indoors is not an option, try securing the food dishes at night when raccoons are most active, then replace them in the morning.  On the same topic, gardens should also be secured to prohibit entry by raccoons, rabbits, and other garden nuisances.

Outdoor Garbage Containers

Trash and garbage cans are another potential food source for raccoons.  Many people prefer to take their trash out at night before the morning of pickup.  Although this saves a few extra minutes in an otherwise busy morning, it can be a main attraction for nocturnal wildlife.  Raccoons have dexterous paws and long claws that allow them to clasp and grab very well.  They can easily open up garbage lids and rummage through leftovers, litter, waste, and other compost.  This not only leaves a mess for homeowners to clean up in the early hours of the morning, but it creates a rift among fellow neighbors that dislike the unsightly garbage spread all across their curb.

Generous Garden

Gardens are a great source of nutritious produce right at your fingertips. But at night when they are unattended, gardens are like a free buffet for raccoons and other omnivorous animals. Not only are they intelligent and can remember where food sources are located, they have human-like paws that can prick, pry, pluck, and more.

Open Access

Another main attraction for raccoons is open access to shelter.  Cracks and crevices in rooftops are easy entry points for raccoons.  They can gain access to attics, garages, crawl spaces, and outdoor sheds and storage spaces.  This easy access is a wide open invitation for raccoons to come inside.  As mentioned before, harsh weather conditions and breeding season both encourage raccoons to seek shelter in dens, or in residential properties.

Raccoons will remember where reliable food and shelter sources are and will return to them night after night.  In order to get rid of raccoons from trespassing onto your property, you need to figure out what is attracting them in the first place.  These areas above are a great place to start.  Next, contact a local wildlife removal company to safely and humanely capture and release nuisance raccoons from your property.

Are you ready to get rid of raccoons safely and protect your property from future nuisance animal problems? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

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What Happens When a Raccoon Has Rabies?
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