Why Raccoons Are Attracted to Your Property Each Night

Raccoons are one of nature’s most clever and adaptable mammals. They retain some superlative survival skills, including excellent climbing and grasping capabilities. Several attributes and comforts around a home or business can be very attractive to local raccoons.

Effects like land over-development, inclement weather, damaged habitats, strong breeding, and pure curiosity are all reasons why raccoons are choosing urban and suburban areas for sources of food and shelter.  With all of these factors at play, it is no surprise that nuisance raccoons have become a problem in so many communities around Indiana.

If you are currently experiencing a raccoon problem on your property, continue below to learn what it is that may have attracted them there in the first place, plus what you can do to get rid of raccoons safely.

Indianapolis Raccoon Trappers 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Trappers 317-535-4605

Raccoons Love Your Property Because It Offers:

Accessible Pet Food

Raccoons are most motivated by food, just as any other wild animal.  When homeowner’s leave food sources outside or in their garage, raccoons are sure to sniff it out.  They are great at hunting down meals, especially easy ones.  Edibles such as pet food, garden produce, bird feed, and even dirty grills can all be desirable snacks for raccoons and other wild animals alike.  If you have any of these items on your property, it may be the cause of your late-night visitors. 

Outdoor pets like dogs and cats should be fed indoors or garages.  This prevents the need to leave pet dishes full of food, outside.  Raccoons love dog and cat food; it is tasty and provides nutrition and protein.  If feeding a pet indoors is not an option, try securing the food dishes at night when raccoons are most active, then replace them in the morning.  On the same topic, gardens should also be secured to prohibit entry by raccoons, rabbits, and other garden nuisances.

Outdoor Garbage Containers

Trash and garbage cans are another potential food source for raccoons.  Many people prefer to take their trash out at night before the morning of pickup.  Although this saves a few extra minutes in an otherwise busy morning, it can be a main attraction for nocturnal wildlife.  Raccoons have dexterous paws and long claws that allow them to clasp and grab very well.  They can easily open up garbage lids and rummage through leftovers, litter, waste, and other compost.  This not only leaves a mess for homeowners to clean up in the early hours of the morning, but it creates a rift among fellow neighbors that dislike the unsightly garbage spread all across their curb.

Generous Garden

Gardens are a great source of nutritious produce right at your fingertips. But at night when they are unattended, gardens are like a free buffet for raccoons and other omnivorous animals. Not only are they intelligent and can remember where food sources are located, they have human-like paws that can prick, pry, pluck, and more.

Open Access

Another main attraction for raccoons is open access to shelter.  Cracks and crevices in rooftops are easy entry points for raccoons.  They can gain access to attics, garages, crawl spaces, and outdoor sheds and storage spaces.  This easy access is a wide open invitation for raccoons to come inside.  As mentioned before, harsh weather conditions and breeding season both encourage raccoons to seek shelter in dens, or in residential properties.

Raccoons will remember where reliable food and shelter sources are and will return to them night after night.  In order to get rid of raccoons from trespassing onto your property, you need to figure out what is attracting them in the first place.  These areas above are a great place to start.  Next, contact a local wildlife removal company to safely and humanely capture and release nuisance raccoons from your property.

Are you ready to get rid of raccoons safely and protect your property from future nuisance animal problems? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

What Happens When a Raccoon Has Rabies?
How to Protect Your Garden and Flowerbeds From Raccoons
The Safest Way to Get Rid of Raccoons Near Your Home

How Raccoon-Proof Do You Think Your House Is?

Raccoons can gain access inside your house and cause a significant amount of costly and unsanitary structural damage. Raccoons are known to invade attics, crawl spaces, wall voids, porches, patio, pool houses, barns, garages, sheds, rooftops, and even outdoor children’s playsets!  With the advantage of high intelligence and dexterous paws, local raccoons are quite skilled at finding clever points of entry into any unprotected dwelling of their choice.

Protecting your home against these possible invasions is an important task to add to your annual home maintenance To-Do list. Continue reading to gauge just how protected your home is from nuisance raccoons by reviewing a recommended animal-proofing checklist.

Raccoon Proofing Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Raccoon Proofing Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Raccoon Control Basics

Not only can proper raccoon-proofing potentially can save you thousands of dollars down the road, but it protects your loved ones and pets from disease exposure. It is highly recommended to animal-proof your property against raccoons, especially you are near wooded or forested areas or large bodies of water.

When it comes to protecting your home from wild raccoons, attention to detail is crucial. As mentioned before, they can find various ways inside a home or building. They are agile climbers and have dexterous paws much like human hands. They can clasp, grasp, push, pull, and more. This means an unlocked window, cracked door, loose roof shingle, and loose floor boarding are no match for these intelligent and dedicated critters. 

To raccoon-proof your home and property, these ideas and methods are suggested:

□ Remove Outdoor Garbage Cans
□ Removal Outdoor Pet Food
□ Spray Raccoon Repellents Around Gardens
□ Use Liquid Fence Products
□ Sprinkle Dog Fur around Exterior Property
□ Ultrasonic Animal Emitters
□ High-Powered Strobe Lights
□ Fix Broken Locks and Doorknobs
□ Lock Exterior Doors and Windows
□ Seal Loose Roof Shingles
□ Hire a Licensed and Insured Raccoon Control Service

These methods, approaches, and ideas are all potentially helpful so long as you work hard to find all potential entry points into your property.  Hiring a professional Indianapolis raccoon control company is the best road to take when it comes to animal-proofing your property.  They retain all the necessary tools, equipment, training, and experience to facilitate these types of services in no time. 

Are you ready to skip the hassle of animal-proofing against raccoons yourself? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional raccoon control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers with the most economic rates around.

You Should Also Read:

Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?
3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
How to Protect Pets From Wild Raccoons

What is a Crab-Eating Raccoon?

There are three primary species of raccoon found all across the world. There is the Northern raccoon, also called the Common raccoon, the Cozumel Island raccoon, and the Crab-Eating raccoon. There are also a few subspecies of these raccoons, such as the Tres Marias raccoon, the Guadeloupe raccoon, and the Barbados raccoon. Each of these species are fascinating and fun to learn about, but in this blog, we will focus mainly on the Crab-Eating raccoon; and then, learn about the other raccoon species in later blogs!

Continue reading to learn some interesting information about the Crab-Eating raccoon, and who to call for help dealing with nuisance raccoons on your property.

Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Crab-Eating Raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus)

Facts About the Crab-Eating Raccoon (Procyon Cancrivorus)

The Crab-Eating raccoon is scientifically known as Procyon Cancrivorus, but also called the South American raccoon. Crab-Eating raccoons live in subtropical and tropical regions, populating much of Central and South America. They live near bodies of water or marshy wetlands, taking shelter in abandoned animal dens, hollowed trees, underbrush piles, and large rock crevices.

Although named the “crab-eating” raccoon, they are not committed to eating just that. They have omnivorous diets that also consist of crustaceans, lobster, small amphibians, turtle eggs, and even fruit. Just like us, they love crabs and other shellfish, and eat them whenever the opportunity arises!

Crab-Eating raccoons look very similar to the Northern raccoon, or Common raccoon. However, at a closer look, you can see how they differ in appearance. Crab-Eating raccoons have the iconic bushy striped tails and bandit-like black mask, much similar to the Indiana raccoon. But, if you look closely at the hair at the nape of their necks, you will see that it grows in a different direction!

Additionally, their claws are narrower and sharper than that of the Northern raccoon. As their name suggests, they are better adapted to eating hard-shelled foods, unlike their Mid-west counterparts. The Crab-Eating raccoon is smaller in body-size, appearing slenderer. They can weigh anywhere from a few pounds to over 25 pounds, depending on age and gender.

Crab-Eating raccoons are also nocturnal, like all other raccoon species. They hunt and search for food in the evening, and sleep during daytime hours. They breed from mid-summer to early fall, and generally reproduce a litter of 2 to 6 pups. They are a rare and interesting species of raccoon that loves their Caribbean lifestyle!

Safe Solutions for Nuisance Raccoons in Indiana

The Northern Raccoon is a common suburban nuisance for many home and property owners in the city. Raccoons should never be harmed or killed, but they can be relocated to a faraway and safe habitat by a professional wildlife removal service. For homeowners that experience nuisance raccoon problems, it is strongly suggested to contact a local Indianapolis Raccoon Removal service for safe and humane assistance.

Do you have a raccoon problem that is only getting worse? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for licensed and insured raccoon removal and control at an affordable price. We serve residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

The Three Extant Species of Raccoon
Types of Raccoon Species Found Around the Globe
Common Raccoon Species in North America

How to Protect Your Garden and Flowerbeds From Raccoons

Anyone who tends to a garden can relate to the struggles of nuisance wildlife and pests that aim to destroy them. The work, time, care, and investment we put into our gardens are too valuable to allow raccoons and other wild animals to freely use and abuse them! This is why preventative maintenance and awareness are vital in order to protect our flora. Animals such as raccoons, squirrels, moles, snakes, deer, and even birds are common trespasser to worry about.

Continue reading to learn some effective methods for keeping raccoons and other nuisance wildlife far away from your gardens.

Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Raccoon Removal Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Raccoon-Proofing Strategies for Gardens and Flowerbeds  

Environmental Modification

As homeowners, the first thing we should do is stop all behaviors and activities that attract wild animals to our lawns and gardens. This is known as animal-proofing through environmental modification. Animal-proofing your outdoor environments means eliminating all pet foods, including bird and squirrel feeders. It also means taking your garbage out the morning of trash collection day, or at least installing lid-locks to prevent raccoons from gaining access to them. It is best practice, however, to avoid leaving your garbage out overnight altogether.


Now, as garden lovers, the first thing to consider for raccoon and animal prevention is a fence. Installing a fence around your property can be costly but can save you thousands of dollars in potential repairs caused by wildlife. If a property-line fence is not in the budget, consider a small fence for the perimeter of your garden instead. These are just as effective for keeping small wildlife out of your precious cucumbers and cabbages, especially when reinforced with poultry netting or wiring.

They thwart their attention away because the task is too tedious for them. Wild animals are looking for quick sources of food and shelter, not an obstacle course. The only problem with a garden fence is that raccoons may still be able to access it. They have nimble fingers and claws that allow them to excel at climbing and dexterity. Implement all other methods to raccoon prevention and you may not need worry about them at all. The same goes for deer and birds.

Animal Repellent

Another effective approach to keeping critters out of our harvesting gardens is to raccoon repellent sprays around the perimeter of your garden or any area you wish to seal. You can purchase these products at your local superstore or online. Avoid using any products that are harmful to the environment and Eco-system. You can also make your own, homemade animal repellent for raccoons using common, nontoxic ingredients like capsaicin, spoiled egg yolks, cayenne pepper, menthol, and eucalyptus oil.

The best way to get rid of raccoons is to hire a licensed and insured critter control company in Indy for professional raccoon removal services. Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We also provide repairs and restorations for racoon damages.

Related Posts:

Facts About Raccoon Eating Habits
How to Get Rid of Nuisance Raccoons With Garlic and Oil
Is Your Lawn a Target for Raccoon Grubbing?

Is Your Lawn a Target for Raccoon Grubbing?

Raccoons are crepuscular foragers, meaning they primarily venture out at dusk to look for food. And as nocturnal animals, they remain active throughout the night and call it quits just before dawn. That is why they are hardly caught-in-action during their mischievous endeavors. Rummaged trash cans, missing garden vegetables, torn roof shingles, and empty pet dishes are just a few common signs of nuisance raccoon activity. However, there is another raccoon behavior that is far more frustrating for property owners, and this behavior is quite destructive. We are talking about raccoon grubbing.

Continue below to learn more about lawn grubs and raccoon grubbing, including what you can do to put a stop to nuisance raccoon tampering in and around your property.

Get Rid of Raccoons Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Get Rid of Raccoons Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Raccoons Love to Eat Grubs

Grubs are nuisance larvae that live in the ground and feed off of grass roots. Not only do grub populations cause grass to wilt and brown, but they also attract nuisance raccoons. Raccoons love these juicy, protein-rich worms and will go to great lengths to acquire them. This means they will relentlessly pull back chunks of sod and dig through the soil and clay for one delicious bite. And since raccoons have dexterous human-like paws, their nimble fingers can easily rip through lawns and sift through dirt to find a tasty meal. It only takes one or two raccoons to tear up an entire lawn in just one night.

Grub Treatment Solutions

Let’s start with the lawn. To repair your lawn, you will need good-quality grass seed, fertilizer, and patience. After routine watering and fertilizing, your lawn will eventually get back to normal. As for the raccoons, you should first try to eliminate all of the things on your property that attract them there in the first place, starting with the grubs.

There are several types of grub control products available at any local garden or hardware store. Choose based on your preference but be sure it is compatible with your landscape. They are relatively inexpensive, ranging in price from $4 to $20, depending on the size and brand. Apply the product to your lawn and hope for the best. If you cannot get the grubs under control, it may be wise to contact a lawn care company for professional grub removal.

Raccoon Removal and Abatement

Other attractions to eliminate may include bird baths, pet food, bird seed, squirrel feeders, open gardens, garbage, sitting pools of water, and small places to hide. By getting rid of these common raccoon attractions, you can also get rid of raccoons. If you have a raccoon in the attic or other area of your home, you need to call a local Indianapolis critter control company for safe and humane raccoon removal and control services. These companies usually offer raccoon-proofing and infestation cleanup services too.

Are you ready to finally solve your raccoon grubbing and destruction problems? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services at the most economical rates in town.

Related Posts:

Facts About Raccoon Eating Habits
Devices You Can Buy to Keep Raccoons Off of Your Property
How to Get Rid of Nuisance Raccoons With Garlic and Oil

The Safest Way to Get Rid of Raccoons Near Your Home

Raccoons are an incessant problem in suburbs and residential neighborhoods across the country.  They are often spotted in wooded areas close to homes and parks, or in houses, occupying attics, crawl spaces, and roofs.  Raccoons are fascinating creatures and should be respected; however, it is understandable that they can be a nuisance to homeowners.  For this reason, there are creative methods to avoiding raccoon encounters, and preventing them from entering your property, and worse, your home. 

Continue below to learn three safe and effective ways to get rid of raccoons near your home in Indianapolis. 

Raccoon Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Raccoon Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Do Not Leave Pet Food Outside

Raccoons are omnivores, which mean they eat almost everything, from small invertebrates like frogs and crawfish, to fruits, nuts, and vegetables.  Raccoons in residential areas are attracted to any food source, and pet food is a popular choice.  Many pet owners have pets that are primarily outdoor pets.  They will leave bowls of cat or dog food on the patio or in the doghouse.

Raccoons will immediately pick up the scent and be attracted to come and steal the pet’s food.  Raccoons will also remember that that particular house is a guaranteed source of food and will return night after night to retrieve more.  If you leave your pets’ food outside, be sure to bring it back in before night fall.  This way, you can help avoid attracting raccoons to your house.

Secure Your Home from the Outside

It is common for homeowners to leave access points open to their house without even realizing it.  For example, doggy doors are installed in homes all over the country, and raccoons can enter your home through these doggy doors.  This is more likely to happen if you live near wooded areas. 

Besides pet flaps, there are other vulnerable spots on homes that raccoons can access, such as holes on your roof, garages, crawl spaces, and under porches.  Before dark, lock any doggy doors you have in your home and be sure to get annual or bi-annual home inspections to make sure your home is secure.  Not only can this prevent unwanted animal intrusion, but it can also lower your energy costs as well. 

Bring in Your Garbage Cans at Night

Raccoons are commonly seen rummaging through garbage and trash cans.  This is because they know there will be scraps of food in them for an easy meal.  By leaving your garbage cans out overnight, you are giving raccoon colonies an open invitation to come dine in your driveway.  Trash simply attracts raccoons.  To avoid huge messes and frequent visits from raccoons, bring in your garbage cans at night.

Are you seeing too many raccoons around your house each night? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust.

Related Posts:

Will a Wild Raccoon Hurt Me?
Why Raccoons are a Threat to Your Home and Loved Ones
Top 3 Products for Humane Raccoon Abatement

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

How to Get Rid of Nuisance Raccoons With Garlic and Oil

If raccoons are your problem, why not try this homemade repellent? Not only is it all natural and safe for the environment, but it is also cheap and easy to make, and best of all, non-lethal to wildlife. Continue reading to learn how to prepare and use this garlic oil repellent, and what you can do if it doesn’t seem to get rid of your raccoon problem.

Raccoon Trapping Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Raccoon Trapping Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Repellent for Raccoons

Raccoons do not like certain smells and tastes. If you use these scent and taste aversions to your advantage, you can possibly stop raccoon activity on your property. It is a good thing raccoons have great memories. Because once they get a whiff of this repellent, they will not come back to your house again! Take a look below to see what you need, how to administer the solution, and which follow up steps you need to take.

What You Need to Make Raccoon Repellent:

☐ Garlic Cloves (3 oz. minced)
☐ Ground Cayenne Pepper
☐ Mineral Oil
☐ Plastic Spray Bottle
☐ Glass Container w/Lid
☐ Clean Water
☐ Protective Gloves
☐ Protective Eye Gear

How to Get Started

Once you gather all of your supplies, you can begin to mince your garlic cloves. You will need at least 3 ounces of minced garlic, and 8 or 9 cloves should get you there. If you have minced garlic from a jar, feel free to use it, but fresh is more pungent and tends to work better.

Next, add the minced garlic and 2 tablespoons of mineral oil to a glass container. Seal the container and let it sit for 24 hours. This will drastically increase the level of pungency, which is exactly what you want!

After your 24-hour turn around, transfer 2 tablespoons of the garlic mixture into a plastic spray bottle. Then add in 16 ounces of water and 1 tablespoon of ground cayenne pepper and shake it well.

Last, put on your protective gear and get ready to administer the solution.

You want to create a perimeter around your yard, plus apply extra solution in areas where you notice the most raccoon activity. Be sure to avoid common areas where you and your pets hang out since the pepper can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.

Have you tried everything but still dealing with nuisance raccoons? Contact us at 317-535-4605 to get your free estimate for humane raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout the central parts of the state.

Related Posts:

Non-Lethal Raccoon Repellents You Can Make at Home
Raccoon Behaviors that End Up Costing You Money
Do You Have a Winter Raccoon Infestation?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Do Raccoons Carry Fleas?

Raccoons are wild animals that live in or near wooded and forested areas. Any animal that comes in contact with plants, trees, bushes, and brush are vulnerable to insect bites. Ticks and fleas are no different. If a raccoon gets into your home, there is a good chance they are carrying fleas, ticks, and even diseases that can infect your family and pets. There are various contagious infections that raccoons, fleas, and ticks can pass along to other people and animals. 

Continue reading to learn about some of these risks and what to do if you ever experience a similar situation.

Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-535-4605
Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-535-4605

The Link Between Fleas and Raccoons

If you notice that your home is all of a sudden infested with fleas, yet you do not have a pet, there could be a raccoon colony living somewhere within your house. Attics and crawl spaces are perfect breeding grounds for raccoons to use a shelter from harsh winter weather. Living within these quarters gives them access to spread infection and disease, such as fleas. 

Fleas can move fast and jump far. They live on raccoons and move onto other hosts as they grow.  Raccoons can indeed carry fleas; and they can find their way into your home and pets too! Be sure to outsource quick and effective raccoon removal if you have raccoons in the attic. This is the first step to getting rid of fleas in your home.

There are several flea removal solutions and preventative sprays on the market that anyone can purchase at their local grocer or home goods store. They are helpful to sanitize and kill existing flea infestations, as well as, preventing more fleas from being able to thrive within your home. 

Raccoons Can Carry Ticks Too

Ticks are more intimidating than fleas. Although fleas will bite and make you itch, ticks can carry diseases just like raccoons. Lyme disease is a common threat transmitted from tick bites, as well as a range of fevers. Ticks will use raccoons, dogs, cats, and other animals as hosts. They are highly infectious and can harm their host overtime.

If you are discovering ticks on your pets, or have just had a raccoon in your home, be sure to take precaution and keep an open eye for more ticks. You can have a professional exterminator inspect and fumigate your home, or you can purchase over the counter solutions and traps to get rid of ticks.

Other Possible Raccoon Parasites:

▷ Mites
▷ Lice
▷ Roundworm
▷ Tapeworm

Are you dealing with nuisance raccoons around your house or business? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services at the most economical rates in town.

Related Posts:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Communicable Diseases That Can Be Carried By Raccoons
Can I Get Ebola From a Raccoon?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Devices You Can Buy to Keep Raccoons Off of Your Property

Raccoons are arguably one of the most destructive nuisance critters in all of Indiana. The amount of damage raccoons can cause can be devastating to a property, structurally and financially. Raccoons They can dig up lawns, loot gardens, pillage garbage cans, steal pet food, contaminate livestock feed, rip off window screens, tear off siding and roof shingles, and soil everything in sight with their droppings. They are also common carriers of several infectious diseases, such as Rabies. Needless to say, if you have a colony of coons visiting your property night after night, plundering your goods, or posing health and safety threats, you should implement some critter control methods.

Continue reading to learn some items that can help you safely keep raccoons and other critters off of your lawn and away from your property in Indiana.

Get Rid of Raccoons Indianapolis IN 317-535-4605
Get Rid of Raccoons Indianapolis IN 317-535-4605

Raccoon Removal and Control Solutions

Raccoons are clever and retain certain qualities that give them an advantage in our neighborhoods. They have excellent memories and dexterous paws, which means they can open, climb, and pry their way trouble. And since they have good memories, they will remember which places are good sources for food, water, and shelter, and continue to revisit these places until they are stopped.

It is in your best interest to get rid of raccoons as soon as you are aware of a raccoon problem. A proven method for protecting yourself and your property from wildlife damage is preventative maintenance. The next best method is to contact a professional wildlife removal company in the case that your raccoon issue is serious.

Animal-Proofing for Nuisance Raccoons

There are several ways you can take precautionary measures against raccoon damages and infestations. You can use simple household ingredients to make safe repellents, electronic devices to scare raccoons off at night, and so much more.

Here are some helpful products to consider when making a plan to protect your home and property against nuisance wildlife:

Repellents – If you want to make a safe, non-toxic raccoon repellent to ward off nuisance wild animals, simply mix together a homemade solution from spices and extracts. Cinnamon, mint, menthol, peppermint, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and anything other type of dried pepper will do the trick. Just mix with water, transfer to a spray bottle, and spray the perimeter of your property. Be sure to keep pets away from conditioned areas.

Fencing – If you have a garden, or raccoons are getting underneath your porch or shed, you may want to consider purchasing some wire mesh or fencing to keep them out. You can find all sorts of fencing at any local home improvement store. They come in a variety of grades, sizes, and more.

Electronic Devices – Install motion-sensing lighting or sound machines outside to scare off raccoons. You can also keep a radio playing since they are scared of humans.

Galvanized Mesh Screening – Mesh screening can be installed over chimneys, attic vents, soffits, windows, and open gaps to prevent raccoon intrusion.

Trashcan Lid Locks – If you simply cannot wait to take your trash out until collection day, invest in some trashcan lid locks to stop raccoons from rummaging through your garbage.

Do you suspect that raccoons are inside your attic or occupying some other area of your property? Perhaps your raccoon control methods weren’t as effective as you hoped? Just contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

Top 3 Products for Humane Raccoon Abatement
Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?
3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Common Traits of a Rabid Raccoon

Do you see raccoons on or around your property regularly? Have you been concerned about the potential risk for contracting Rabies through a raccoon bite or scratch? Continue reading to learn what a an actively rabid raccoon looks like, as well as some pertinent facts about raccoons and the Rabies Virus.

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Raccoon Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Raccoons are a Rabies Vector Species (RVS)

Raccoons are stunning in appearance and have been known to make fun lovable pets; but there is another side to raccoons we must all be aware of. Unfortunately, raccoons are classified as a Rabies Vector Species (RVS) in most states, which means they are a species of wildlife capable of carrying and transmitting the Rabies Virus to humans and other animals. Although all mammals can become infected with rabies, raccoons are more at risk because their bodies can act as reservoirs for the virus.

If a human or animal is bitten by a raccoon, whether it’s rabid or not, they must call animal control and immediately seek medical attention. Always behave as if a wild animal is carrying a disease if ever attacked or bitten. If a person or another pet is bitten by a dog that has not had a rabies vaccination, always behave as if the dog is carrying the virus and seek immediate medical care, just in case.

How to Tell if a Raccoon is Rabid

Even though you should always take action as if a wild animal is rabid, it is good knowledge to know what one looks like. A healthy raccoon should be out at night, or dusk. Also, they should appear healthy, walk straight, and seem as though they have an agenda. A healthy raccoon should exhibit all characteristics that a mammal in good condition would. Now, as for a rabid raccoon, the signs are not so pretty.

Here are the signs that a raccoon is infected with the rabies virus:

The raccoon cannot walk straight or has trouble walking. They might even appear to be intoxicated or confused and might also be walking in circles.

The raccoon appears confused, disoriented, or reacting slow. The raccoon is making strange sounds and noises. A little chit chatter with other coons is normal, but strange noises while out and about is not.

The raccoon is foaming at the mouth or has an abnormal amount of saliva. The raccoon may look like its drooling excessively. But no one should ever be close enough to a raccoon to see the foam in their mouths!

The raccoon looks ill, weak, or dying. The raccoon is out during the daytime hours. Although a healthy raccoon can do this from time to time, if a raccoon is demonstrating any of the above signs in addition to being out during the day, it may be rabid.

Are you dealing with repeat raccoon intrusions and property tampering in Indy? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

What Happens When a Raccoon Has Rabies?
Sick Raccoons: If it’s Not Rabies, it’s Probably Distemper
Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605