Do Raccoons Carry Fleas?

Raccoons are wild animals that live in or near wooded and forested areas. Any animal that comes in contact with plants, trees, bushes, and brush are vulnerable to insect bites. Ticks and fleas are no different. If a raccoon gets into your home, there is a good chance they are carrying fleas, ticks, and even diseases that can infect your family and pets. There are various contagious infections that raccoons, fleas, and ticks can pass along to other people and animals. 

Continue reading to learn about some of these risks and what to do if you ever experience a similar situation.

Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-535-4605
Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-535-4605

The Link Between Fleas and Raccoons

If you notice that your home is all of a sudden infested with fleas, yet you do not have a pet, there could be a raccoon colony living somewhere within your house. Attics and crawl spaces are perfect breeding grounds for raccoons to use a shelter from harsh winter weather. Living within these quarters gives them access to spread infection and disease, such as fleas. 

Fleas can move fast and jump far. They live on raccoons and move onto other hosts as they grow.  Raccoons can indeed carry fleas; and they can find their way into your home and pets too! Be sure to outsource quick and effective raccoon removal if you have raccoons in the attic. This is the first step to getting rid of fleas in your home.

There are several flea removal solutions and preventative sprays on the market that anyone can purchase at their local grocer or home goods store. They are helpful to sanitize and kill existing flea infestations, as well as, preventing more fleas from being able to thrive within your home. 

Raccoons Can Carry Ticks Too

Ticks are more intimidating than fleas. Although fleas will bite and make you itch, ticks can carry diseases just like raccoons. Lyme disease is a common threat transmitted from tick bites, as well as a range of fevers. Ticks will use raccoons, dogs, cats, and other animals as hosts. They are highly infectious and can harm their host overtime.

If you are discovering ticks on your pets, or have just had a raccoon in your home, be sure to take precaution and keep an open eye for more ticks. You can have a professional exterminator inspect and fumigate your home, or you can purchase over the counter solutions and traps to get rid of ticks.

Other Possible Raccoon Parasites:

▷ Mites
▷ Lice
▷ Roundworm
▷ Tapeworm

Are you dealing with nuisance raccoons around your house or business? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services at the most economical rates in town.

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3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Communicable Diseases That Can Be Carried By Raccoons
Can I Get Ebola From a Raccoon?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Can Raccoons in the Attic Bring Fleas in Your House?

Raccoons are very clever when it comes to finding entry points into our homes and commercial properties. They seek out shelters during harsh and extreme weather conditions; either to find solace from the hot sun, or warmth during breeding or winter seasons. When raccoons demonstrate this type of behavior, it is often a burden on the property owners. Financially, raccoon damages can be costly, and the mess they can create can be devastating. One of the most common threats associated with an indoor raccoon infestation, is the possibility of a flea, tick, or bug outbreak. Continue reading to learn about raccoon and flea problems, and what to do if ever faced with a similar situation.

Raccoon and Fleas

Many people wonder whether or not a raccoon can carry fleas. The answer is yes; they can carry and pass along fleas. When it comes to fleas, most species are similar and look the same as a dog or cat flea. A flea can live and thrive on any animal that has fur and warm blood. This means a raccoon would be no different than a dog, to a flea. If you come into contact with fleas, you will most likely suffer tiny itchy bumps from flea bites. A simple dose of antihistamine or cortisone will reduce swelling and irritation.

Fleas, however, are not the only pest that can be passed along from raccoons living in your attic. Other nuisance insects can be passed along and spread through your property just the same as fleas. Insects such as lice, ticks, mites, and even roundworm can cause infection and irritation in humans and pets.

Lice and ticks are very well-known, as are the symptoms they cause. Lice and ticks are mobile and can transfer from one host to another. They are tedious to get rid of and very unpleasant to endure. Roundworm, on the other hand, is inhaled and infects internally. Roundworm eggs grow in raccoon feces. These eggs are very light and can float in the air, giving anyone the opportunity to unknowingly inhale these worms and fall ill soon after. Roundworm should be treated with immediate professional medical care.

Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic Before an Infestation Occurs

If you suspect you may have a raccoon invasion issue within your home or property, be sure to act fast! The longer a raccoon colony resides in your attic, or other area of your house, the more damages are likely to accumulate. These structural repairs can be very costly, and not always covered by your homeowners’ insurance policy. Contact a professional wildlife control company that uses safe and humane methods to remove raccoons and other nuisance wildlife from your property, effectively.

Look to your local directories for professional wildlife control services, or just call Indiana Raccoon Removal today! You can reach a live attendant, day or night, at 317-535-4605 for any raccoon control inquires or needs. We are DNR licensed and retain extensive experience in the raccoon removal industry. We use safe and humane methods to remove raccoons from residential and commercial properties in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Visit our website at for details about our services. We are happy to answer any questions you have about raccoons and fleas, or general raccoon removal service in Indianapolis, IN.