Do Raccoons Carry Fleas?

Raccoons are wild animals that live in or near wooded and forested areas. Any animal that comes in contact with plants, trees, bushes, and brush are vulnerable to insect bites. Ticks and fleas are no different. If a raccoon gets into your home, there is a good chance they are carrying fleas, ticks, and even diseases that can infect your family and pets. There are various contagious infections that raccoons, fleas, and ticks can pass along to other people and animals. 

Continue reading to learn about some of these risks and what to do if you ever experience a similar situation.

Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-535-4605
Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-535-4605

The Link Between Fleas and Raccoons

If you notice that your home is all of a sudden infested with fleas, yet you do not have a pet, there could be a raccoon colony living somewhere within your house. Attics and crawl spaces are perfect breeding grounds for raccoons to use a shelter from harsh winter weather. Living within these quarters gives them access to spread infection and disease, such as fleas. 

Fleas can move fast and jump far. They live on raccoons and move onto other hosts as they grow.  Raccoons can indeed carry fleas; and they can find their way into your home and pets too! Be sure to outsource quick and effective raccoon removal if you have raccoons in the attic. This is the first step to getting rid of fleas in your home.

There are several flea removal solutions and preventative sprays on the market that anyone can purchase at their local grocer or home goods store. They are helpful to sanitize and kill existing flea infestations, as well as, preventing more fleas from being able to thrive within your home. 

Raccoons Can Carry Ticks Too

Ticks are more intimidating than fleas. Although fleas will bite and make you itch, ticks can carry diseases just like raccoons. Lyme disease is a common threat transmitted from tick bites, as well as a range of fevers. Ticks will use raccoons, dogs, cats, and other animals as hosts. They are highly infectious and can harm their host overtime.

If you are discovering ticks on your pets, or have just had a raccoon in your home, be sure to take precaution and keep an open eye for more ticks. You can have a professional exterminator inspect and fumigate your home, or you can purchase over the counter solutions and traps to get rid of ticks.

Other Possible Raccoon Parasites:

▷ Mites
▷ Lice
▷ Roundworm
▷ Tapeworm

Are you dealing with nuisance raccoons around your house or business? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services at the most economical rates in town.

Related Posts:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Communicable Diseases That Can Be Carried By Raccoons
Can I Get Ebola From a Raccoon?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Common Traits of a Rabid Raccoon

Do you see raccoons on or around your property regularly? Have you been concerned about the potential risk for contracting Rabies through a raccoon bite or scratch? Continue reading to learn what a an actively rabid raccoon looks like, as well as some pertinent facts about raccoons and the Rabies Virus.

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Raccoon Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Raccoons are a Rabies Vector Species (RVS)

Raccoons are stunning in appearance and have been known to make fun lovable pets; but there is another side to raccoons we must all be aware of. Unfortunately, raccoons are classified as a Rabies Vector Species (RVS) in most states, which means they are a species of wildlife capable of carrying and transmitting the Rabies Virus to humans and other animals. Although all mammals can become infected with rabies, raccoons are more at risk because their bodies can act as reservoirs for the virus.

If a human or animal is bitten by a raccoon, whether it’s rabid or not, they must call animal control and immediately seek medical attention. Always behave as if a wild animal is carrying a disease if ever attacked or bitten. If a person or another pet is bitten by a dog that has not had a rabies vaccination, always behave as if the dog is carrying the virus and seek immediate medical care, just in case.

How to Tell if a Raccoon is Rabid

Even though you should always take action as if a wild animal is rabid, it is good knowledge to know what one looks like. A healthy raccoon should be out at night, or dusk. Also, they should appear healthy, walk straight, and seem as though they have an agenda. A healthy raccoon should exhibit all characteristics that a mammal in good condition would. Now, as for a rabid raccoon, the signs are not so pretty.

Here are the signs that a raccoon is infected with the rabies virus:

The raccoon cannot walk straight or has trouble walking. They might even appear to be intoxicated or confused and might also be walking in circles.

The raccoon appears confused, disoriented, or reacting slow. The raccoon is making strange sounds and noises. A little chit chatter with other coons is normal, but strange noises while out and about is not.

The raccoon is foaming at the mouth or has an abnormal amount of saliva. The raccoon may look like its drooling excessively. But no one should ever be close enough to a raccoon to see the foam in their mouths!

The raccoon looks ill, weak, or dying. The raccoon is out during the daytime hours. Although a healthy raccoon can do this from time to time, if a raccoon is demonstrating any of the above signs in addition to being out during the day, it may be rabid.

Are you dealing with repeat raccoon intrusions and property tampering in Indy? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

What Happens When a Raccoon Has Rabies?
Sick Raccoons: If it’s Not Rabies, it’s Probably Distemper
Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?

If you have a healthy raccoon population in your community, you likely have spotted a few in and around your property. But, if you are noticing a recent increase in raccoon behavior on your premises, you can safely assume they are using every square inch of it as their own personal restroom. The problem is that raccoon droppings are not something you want your loved ones or your pets to be around.

Continue reading to learn why raccoon droppings can be toxic and dangerous, as well as how to get rid of raccoons if they are becoming a constant problem around your Central Indiana home.

Indianapolis IN Get Rid of Raccoons 317-535-4605
Indianapolis IN Get Rid of Raccoons 317-535-4605

Raccoon Scat Can Pose Several Health Risks

There are many health risks involved with being exposed to or coming into contact with raccoon droppings, often times referred to as raccoon scat. Anyone dealing with raccoon scat should take precaution. One health risk associated with raccoon scat is roundworm. Most people would have guessed rabies, but rabies is transferred through saliva, not fecal and urine matter. 

Roundworm will lay eggs in the raccoon droppings and the eggs can be picked up by humans or pets. Accidentally ingesting these eggs will result in violent nausea, blindness, organ failure, and even death. Entering a raccoon den or an area that has been contaminated by raccoons is not for a novice. It needs to be handled with the correct care and attention of a professional. 

Take Precaution When Confronted With a Raccoon Mess

One important aspect to note about raccoon removal from attics or other areas is to never actually touch or pick up the raccoon scat or any mess left behind from nesting or playing. These are contaminated items and can easily be picked up by humans and pets, as well as carried through the air vent systems in the home or property. 

When professionals complete a raccoon removal job in Indianapolis, they wear proper gear and uniform to protect themselves from these contaminates. Usually, ordinary families do not have this type of professional equipment on hand for these situations, so extra precaution is advised.

The sooner you realize you have a raccoon in the attic or other part of your property, to immediately take care of the situation. The longer raccoons reside inside these cavities, the more damage and health risks they cause.

Hire an Indianapolis Wildlife Removal Company to Get Rid of Raccoons 

Always enlist the services of a professional, DNR licensed and insured Indianapolis critter control company to get rid of raccoons, safely. They have the necessary equipment, industry knowledge and training, as well as the correct licenses to remove and relocate raccoons. 

Often times, critter control companies can also offer restoration and repair services alongside their raccoon removal services.  Be sure to contact your homeowners’ insurance company to check what your coverage is regarding raccoon damages in your attic and crawl spaces.

Are you having trouble getting rid of raccoons in or around your Indiana property? Contact us at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

Related Posts:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Can I Get Ebola From a Raccoon?
Can a Raccoon Kill a Dog?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Can I Get Ebola From a Raccoon?

Ebola is a dangerous and scary virus. So, when another news story of an outbreak or occurrence airs, it is natural for the community to be fearful. Many people assume that Ebola is carried and transmitted by dirt, pest-like animals, such as raccoons and bats. Namely with raccoons, there is a lot of misconceptions about the illnesses they commonly carry and transmit, and how. If you are spotting raccoons in your neighborhood, do not fear. Just contact a local animal removal service for assistance.

In the meantime, continue reading to learn the truth about wild raccoons and the Ebola virus, including facts you need to know and methods of raccoon control you can use.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Learn About Raccoons and Rabies

The rumors of raccoons and the Ebola viruses being connected in some way mostly have to do with the comparisons made between Rabies and Ebola. Rabies is a common, life-threatening disease that is publicly linked to raccoons because raccoons, and bats, are species of mammals that most often carry the virus, or become infected with it. The reason why Rabies and Ebola have been discussed together is that they share a lot of similar qualities. Both viruses are nearly lethal for humans, and most certainly lethal for other animals, like dogs and cats.

Since they are equally dangerous, they are equally feared as well, giving them something else in common. Also, it is difficult to become infected by these viruses. Not only is the likelihood small, but the chances of coming in contact with such virus is rare. Unlike colds and flu viruses that can be spread through respiratory transmissions, a person, or animal, must have direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected subject. It cannot be contracted through a simple cough or sneeze. One major difference, on the other hand, is that Ebola has the capacity to evolve and change, whereas Rabies does not.

How to Manage Raccoons Around Your Area

A person should not be scared to contract the Ebola virus from a raccoon, considering there have been no reports of such events taking place. But people should always beware of raccoons because they commonly carry contagious and infectious diseases that can kill or injure a living being including pets. If you spot a raccoon on your property, contact an Indianapolis raccoon removal company for immediate service. It is strongly suggested for homes near wooded areas, or city areas, to raccoon-proof your property to avoid a raccoon problem in the future.

Are you seeing too many raccoons around your house each night? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust.

You Should Also Enjoy:

How to Spot the Signs of Rabies in a Raccoon
Do Raccoons Eat Other Animals?
Why You Do Not Want to Make a Raccoon Your Pet

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

How to Respond to a Wild Raccoon Attack

Raccoons are very intelligent and ambitious creatures. They are known to trespass onto residential and commercial properties for the purpose of finding food or shelter. When this happens, property owners become worried that they are at risk of a raccoon attack. In most cases, raccoons will not attack unless they are incessantly provoked; even then, they are still unlikely to attack. The most common circumstances in which a raccoon attack another human or animal is if the raccoon is ill or protecting their young. However, this does not mean that the raccoon attacks do not occur. If you or your pet is attacked by a raccoon, it is important to take immediate action.

Continue reading to learn you should do in such a case, and how to protect your home from raccoon intrusions.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Attacks on Humans

Because raccoons are common carriers of several dangerous and infectious diseases, you must act quickly if you ever scratched or bitten by raccoon. Not only do raccoons carry infectious diseases, but their saliva is also full of bacteria that can be extremely dangerous if it somehow enters your bloodstream, either through an existing open wound, eyes, or mouth. That is why it is important to immediately visit a nearby walk-in clinic or emergency room regardless of how minor you think your injuries may be. You may require vaccinations or medication to prevent illness and infection.

Attacks on Dogs and Cats

Pets like dogs and cats may come into contact with the wild raccoon and anytime. If they come in contact with the wrong raccoon, they could experience an attack as well. In fact, it is more common for dogs to be attacked by raccoons that it is for humans because dogs are curious and tend to provoke raccoons more than humans do.

In the case that your doctor is bitten or injured by a wild raccoon, you must immediately take them to your vet. If your veterinarian offices closed, take them to a 24 hour emergency veterinary clinic. An accident like this cannot wait till the next morning so be sure you use a 24 hour clinic is your vet offices closed.

Nuisance Raccoon Control Tips

Contact a local Indianapolis raccoon control company if you are experiencing raccoon problems near your home or property. Professional raccoon removal services are the wisest and most effective choice for anyone that needs to get rid of raccoons. Be sure to only use a company that practices safe and non-lethal methods of raccoon control.

Are you seeing too many raccoons around your house each night? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We serve all of Central Indiana and can give free advice and estimates, anytime.

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3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?
Will a Wild Raccoon Hurt Me?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Communicable Diseases That Can Be Carried By Raccoons

Wild raccoons are common carriers of various infectious and transmittable diseases. These maladies are unfavorable ailments to contract and treat. In humans, most of these communicable diseases are treatable, but nonetheless painful and unpleasant.  In pets, the more serious infections are difficult to treat and are sometimes incurable.

Continue reading to learn some interesting and helpful facts about common transmittable raccoon diseases, and who to call to remove nuisance raccoons from your residential or commercial property.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Rabies Virus

Almost everyone has heard the term, “rabies”, before. If you have seen ravenous dogs foaming at the mouth on television, this is most likely the directors take on a rabid animal. The truth is that rabies is not a disease to brush off as a light matter. It is a very real and common threat to our outdoor pets, as well as, us and our children. The rabies virus can be transmitted through saliva or other bodily secretions such a blood. If mixed or ingested with another person or animal’s system, the disease can be born and can also be fatal. 

Rabies vaccinations are available to the public and for pets. It is strongly suggested to take advantage of such vaccinations; especially if you have kids and pets, and live near wooded areas or communities. Other treatments include several infections, shots, immunizations, and medication. Unfortunately, in animals, rabies is almost always fatal.

Leptospirosis Bacterial Infection

The bacterium known as Leptospirosis is another infection that can be transmitted by wild raccoons.  This bacterium is carried in raccoon urine, and can be accidentally digested or contacted by humans and pets. Most of the time, contaminated water that comes into contact with the skin, eyes, nose, throat, or mouth is how the infection in contracted.

The infection causes influenza-like symptoms such as fever, core throat, coughing, and fatigue. It can also cause serious liver and kidney problems, which is why it is important to seek treatment as soon as you are aware there is something wrong. This disease does not have to be fatal so long as preventative care and treatment are implemented.

Baylisascaris Infection (Roundworm)

Roundworm is a very unpleasant disease that is also commonly carried and spread by wild raccoons. The Baylisascaris eggs are laid in raccoon feces, and spread by consumption or contact. People and animals can unintentionally swallow these eggs in water or soil. Because of this, children who play outside and pets are higher at risk for roundworm infection. Symptoms include fatigue, loss of muscle control and coordination, dizziness, and at worse stages, coma or blindness.  Although this infection is rare to contract, a large percentage of North American raccoons are carriers of this bacterium.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control You Can Trust

Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control services you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured nuisance wildlife removal contractors who offer a wide range of raccoon removal and control services, including raccoon cleanup, raccoon proofing, minor restorations for raccoon damages, and more. Request a free estimate or emergency service, today.

Why Raccoons are a Threat to Your Home and Loved Ones

Raccoons are a common presence in urbanized areas. Properties that are located near bodies of water, forests, and woods, are more likely to experience nuisance raccoon problems. Although raccoons are innocent and fascinating mammals, they happen to pose several dangers. For this reason, raccoons should be controlled in a safe and humane way if they are interfering with your home or quality of life.

If you see raccoons on your premises, continue reading to learn their most threatening attributes and what you can do to stop them from coming around.

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

People and Pets

The first and most significant risk posed by a wild raccoon presence on your property is the risk of harming people and pets. Raccoons are known carriers of several viruses and infectious diseases, including serious ones like Rabies, leptospirosis, Distemper, and raccoon roundworm, as well as less serious ones, like lice, fleas, ticks, and more. Although raccoons do not generally bite or attack, they will if they are provoked. For instance, young children who may stumble upon a baby raccoon in the yard that they think is abandoned, but in actuality, the mother raccoon is nearby and ready pounce if she feels her pup is in danger.


Pets are often victims of raccoon attacks because they unintentionally provoke them simply by being curious and taking a sniff. This is why pet vaccinations are so vital for the safety of your dogs and cats. This includes vaccines for Rabies, leptospirosis, Distemper, Lyme disease, and raccoon roundworm. It is also vital to give your pet a flea, tick, and heartworm medication regularly.


Raccoons are very clever, and they have excellent memories and problem solving skills. This is one reason why they are common offenders of attic and crawl space invasions. They can use their human-like paws to grasp, rip, and pry. They tear down attic insulation, chew up electrical wiring, soil floorboards and ceilings with their droppings, and more. However, even if raccoons cannot access the inner parts of a home or building, they can still cause a load of structural damages to a property. They will dig up lawns, pillage through gardens, pry off siding and roof shingles, rip window screens, rummage through garbage cans, eat bird seed, steal pet food, and more.

Raccoon Prevention

If you are experiencing nuisance raccoon activity too close to home, you can make some environmental changes that might dismiss their interest in your property. Here are some strategies you can start with:

↣ Do not leave pet food or pet dishes outside.
↣ Install automatic sprinklers or outdoor motion-sensor lighting.
↣ Always take your garbage to the curb on the morning of trash day.
↣ Remove squirrel and bird feeders outside.
↣ Make interior and exterior repairs to close up potential entry points.
↣ Install door and window locks;
↣ Purchase an outdoor sound machine or talk radio;

…or just hire a licensed Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control Company for professional and humane service. Just be sure to choose a company that uses safe and humane methods to remove raccoons or stop a raccoon infestation problem, as well as, provide cleanup and prevention services too.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured nuisance wildlife removal contractors who offer a wide range of 24 hour raccoon removal and control services, including raccoon cleanup, raccoon proofing, minor restorations for raccoon damages, and more. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate or emergency service, today.

What are the Dangers of Wild Raccoon Encounters?

Wild raccoons are beautiful, intelligent, and fascinating creatures in nature; however, they can be dangerous threats for homes, pets, people, gardens, and more. There are several DIY methods, as well as professional methods, to keep raccoons off your property. It is encouraged to secure all areas of a home; including loose roof shingles, cracks and crevices in the exterior of a home, porches, decks, patios, garages, sheds, and more. By fastening windows and doors, sealing all potential openings, and repairing any vulnerable areas on the exterior of a home can quickly thwart raccoon infestations.

It is also helpful to remove pet and animal food from outside because this is a free meal for raccoons. They will certainly remember who leaves easy meals out on their porch and will return night after night to feed. Think about removing outdoor garbage cans as well. This is like an all-you-can-eat buffet for wild animals. Instead, take the trashcans out the DAY OF trash day to avoid a huge mess in your driveway the next day. By doing all of these tasks, plus calling a licensed raccoon control specialist for professional raccoon proofing, you can prevent raccoon encounters altogether!

Raccoon Dangers

One of the most prevalent dangers of raccoons and other wild animals is Rabies. Not all raccoons have rabies, but many carry the virus and can spread it through their fecal matter, blood, and saliva. Rabies is a deadly virus that is not treatable; so we do not ever want to come into contact with an animal that might have it. If our pets contract the disease, they have to be put down immediately before they suffer further. Keeping raccoons away from your property is the best bet for protecting your dogs and cats. It can protect your children and family as well. Many people stumble across baby raccoons that have been lost or stranded from their mother.

Although baby raccoons are about the cutest thing you’ll ever see, NEVER touch one or attempt to “save it” in anyway. For one, it could be infected and cause you or your pets to catch a disease; and two, if the mother smells a human scent on their baby, they will not care for it any longer and abandon it. Always call a licensed Indianapolis raccoon removal company for safe and humane raccoon control services. Not only do raccoons carry communicable diseases, they can also fiercely attack or bite in self-defense. This is how diseases are contracted, and their long thick fangs can be extremely painful to skin.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for licensed Indianapolis raccoon removal services and more if you have raccoon problems near or on your property. We are highly trained and DNR licensed animal control technicians that have specialized in safe and humane raccoon removal for more than 30 years. We offer free estimates, advice, emergency services, cleanup, minor attic and crawl space restorations, raccoon-proofing, and much more. Call us today at 317-535-4605 for more information about our raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.

Can Raccoons in the Attic Bring Fleas in Your House?

Raccoons are very clever when it comes to finding entry points into our homes and commercial properties. They seek out shelters during harsh and extreme weather conditions; either to find solace from the hot sun, or warmth during breeding or winter seasons. When raccoons demonstrate this type of behavior, it is often a burden on the property owners. Financially, raccoon damages can be costly, and the mess they can create can be devastating. One of the most common threats associated with an indoor raccoon infestation, is the possibility of a flea, tick, or bug outbreak. Continue reading to learn about raccoon and flea problems, and what to do if ever faced with a similar situation.

Raccoon and Fleas

Many people wonder whether or not a raccoon can carry fleas. The answer is yes; they can carry and pass along fleas. When it comes to fleas, most species are similar and look the same as a dog or cat flea. A flea can live and thrive on any animal that has fur and warm blood. This means a raccoon would be no different than a dog, to a flea. If you come into contact with fleas, you will most likely suffer tiny itchy bumps from flea bites. A simple dose of antihistamine or cortisone will reduce swelling and irritation.

Fleas, however, are not the only pest that can be passed along from raccoons living in your attic. Other nuisance insects can be passed along and spread through your property just the same as fleas. Insects such as lice, ticks, mites, and even roundworm can cause infection and irritation in humans and pets.

Lice and ticks are very well-known, as are the symptoms they cause. Lice and ticks are mobile and can transfer from one host to another. They are tedious to get rid of and very unpleasant to endure. Roundworm, on the other hand, is inhaled and infects internally. Roundworm eggs grow in raccoon feces. These eggs are very light and can float in the air, giving anyone the opportunity to unknowingly inhale these worms and fall ill soon after. Roundworm should be treated with immediate professional medical care.

Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic Before an Infestation Occurs

If you suspect you may have a raccoon invasion issue within your home or property, be sure to act fast! The longer a raccoon colony resides in your attic, or other area of your house, the more damages are likely to accumulate. These structural repairs can be very costly, and not always covered by your homeowners’ insurance policy. Contact a professional wildlife control company that uses safe and humane methods to remove raccoons and other nuisance wildlife from your property, effectively.

Look to your local directories for professional wildlife control services, or just call Indiana Raccoon Removal today! You can reach a live attendant, day or night, at 317-535-4605 for any raccoon control inquires or needs. We are DNR licensed and retain extensive experience in the raccoon removal industry. We use safe and humane methods to remove raccoons from residential and commercial properties in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Visit our website at for details about our services. We are happy to answer any questions you have about raccoons and fleas, or general raccoon removal service in Indianapolis, IN.