Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?

If you have a healthy raccoon population in your community, you likely have spotted a few in and around your property. But, if you are noticing a recent increase in raccoon behavior on your premises, you can safely assume they are using every square inch of it as their own personal restroom. The problem is that raccoon droppings are not something you want your loved ones or your pets to be around.

Continue reading to learn why raccoon droppings can be toxic and dangerous, as well as how to get rid of raccoons if they are becoming a constant problem around your Central Indiana home.

Indianapolis IN Get Rid of Raccoons 317-535-4605
Indianapolis IN Get Rid of Raccoons 317-535-4605

Raccoon Scat Can Pose Several Health Risks

There are many health risks involved with being exposed to or coming into contact with raccoon droppings, often times referred to as raccoon scat. Anyone dealing with raccoon scat should take precaution. One health risk associated with raccoon scat is roundworm. Most people would have guessed rabies, but rabies is transferred through saliva, not fecal and urine matter. 

Roundworm will lay eggs in the raccoon droppings and the eggs can be picked up by humans or pets. Accidentally ingesting these eggs will result in violent nausea, blindness, organ failure, and even death. Entering a raccoon den or an area that has been contaminated by raccoons is not for a novice. It needs to be handled with the correct care and attention of a professional. 

Take Precaution When Confronted With a Raccoon Mess

One important aspect to note about raccoon removal from attics or other areas is to never actually touch or pick up the raccoon scat or any mess left behind from nesting or playing. These are contaminated items and can easily be picked up by humans and pets, as well as carried through the air vent systems in the home or property. 

When professionals complete a raccoon removal job in Indianapolis, they wear proper gear and uniform to protect themselves from these contaminates. Usually, ordinary families do not have this type of professional equipment on hand for these situations, so extra precaution is advised.

The sooner you realize you have a raccoon in the attic or other part of your property, to immediately take care of the situation. The longer raccoons reside inside these cavities, the more damage and health risks they cause.

Hire an Indianapolis Wildlife Removal Company to Get Rid of Raccoons 

Always enlist the services of a professional, DNR licensed and insured Indianapolis critter control company to get rid of raccoons, safely. They have the necessary equipment, industry knowledge and training, as well as the correct licenses to remove and relocate raccoons. 

Often times, critter control companies can also offer restoration and repair services alongside their raccoon removal services.  Be sure to contact your homeowners’ insurance company to check what your coverage is regarding raccoon damages in your attic and crawl spaces.

Are you having trouble getting rid of raccoons in or around your Indiana property? Contact us at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

Related Posts:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Can I Get Ebola From a Raccoon?
Can a Raccoon Kill a Dog?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Tips for Getting Rid of Raccoons in Indianapolis

Unfortunately for homeowners in Indianapolis, nuisance raccoons make up a large percentage of the local wildlife population. Every year, more and more raccoons are pushed out of their natural habitats and forced into our suburban and metropolitan communities. To make matters more pressing, raccoons are highly intelligent critters and will fervently attempt to overcome any challenge in order to get what they want from your property. This includes food, shelter, or an urge to explore simple attractions that triggered their curiosity. Swimming pools are notorious for this.

So, if you are suffering from nuisance raccoon activity in or around your Indianapolis property, it is important to act fast. Continue reading to learn how to get rid of raccoons in Indianapolis, safely and humanely.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control Company 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control Company 317-535-4605

Top Ways to Get Rid of Raccoons

Wild raccoons are attracted to residential and commercialized areas because of all the free amenities they can find. One common mistake home and property owners make is leaving garbage cans or trash receptacles outside, overnight. Raccoons are a nocturnal species, meaning they are active at night. Garbage is like a free buffet for their colonies. They are known to use their highly dexterous paws to tear through trash bags and pull out anything they find desirable. 

Raccoons are also known to leave this mess behind for the owners to clean up the next morning. A simple and full-proof way to prevent this situation from repeating itself, always bring your garbage out the morning of trash day. If this is not an option, you can also purchase trash can locks that can deter raccoons from opening the receptacle.

Animal-Proofing is a Critical Step to Raccoon Control

Another Do-It-Yourself (DIY) method of raccoon-proofing is to have your property inspected for cracks in the siding, loose roof shingles, holes in the gutter, and more. Determining the vulnerability of your home or building can better prepare you for future break ins. Repair and close up any access points is similar to these, in order to avoid more raccoon invasion issues.

Homeowners are frequently guilty of leaving pet food outdoors. This is a very common practice and doesn’t affect the value of the dog food at all; however, it does attract raccoons. Dog and cat food is like candy for wild raccoons. They love pet food and will remember any house or building that has it outside waiting for them. If you notice the pet bowls are empty in the morning, and the pets aren’t to blame, you may have discovered the reason behind your raccoon problem.

Professional Raccoon Control is Your Best Course of Action

If these are not areas of concern when it comes to the nuisance raccoons on your property, perhaps a professional critter control technician can answer any questions you have about protecting your place against nuisance raccoons.  A reputable Indianapolis raccoon removal and control company retains the proper resources and technologies to accurately pinpoint the cause behind your chronic nuisance raccoon problem.

Are you ready to skip the hassle of getting rid of raccoons yourself and hire a professional to get the job done right the first time? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services at the most economical rates in town.

You Should Also Read:

Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?
3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
How to Protect Pets From Wild Raccoons

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Can a Raccoon Kill a Dog?

If you live in or around heavily wooded areas, or in a city frequented with nuisance wildlife, it is common to spot raccoons and other animals on your property. It is understandable that home and property owners in areas such as this have trouble with nuisance and pest-like wildlife. This also makes it reasonable for them to have concerns regarding the safety of their pets. Living in areas like this may leave you wondering whether or not it’s safe to let your dog outside unattended. Wild animals can be unpredictable, so it is quite alright to be scared or worried about raccoons attacking your beloved dogs and pets.

Continue reading to learn about raccoons and the likelihood of one trespassing on your property and harming your dog.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Typical Raccoon Behaviors You Can Expect

As already mentioned, wild animals can be very unpredictable when it comes to behavior. This also includes raccoons. Although cute and furry-looking, raccoons can pose various threats to not only dogs and pets, but to humans too. It can’t be said for sure if the local raccoon colonies are likely to hurt, attack, or kill your dog. On the other hand, most wild animals will do anything it takes to defend them-selves if they feel threatened or are provoked in some way or another.

Furthermore, if mother raccoons are protecting their young, they are known to hiss, growl, claw, and bite whatever creature they think will harm their offspring.  If your curious dog (or cat) happens to stumble across a litter of kits (baby raccoons), it is very likely that the mother raccoon will feel threatened and attempt to scare your pet away by any means necessary.

Avoid Provoking Raccoons

They are not hostile by nature, so raccoons probably will not attack your dog for pure recreation or curiosity. In most raccoon attack cases, an animal or human unintentionally provoked a raccoon, causing it distress and scaring it into self-defense mode. If raccoons are visiting your property in a regular basis, it is best to take control of the situation so that your dog is safe from accidents and danger involving raccoons.

Implement Animal-Proofing Strategies Around Your Property

To avoid unsafe raccoon encounters, only let your dog out during the day. Raccoons are nocturnal and are more likely to be active in your yard at night rather than the day. Raccoons can carry diseases and use their claws and teeth to hurt your pets. Be sure your pet is protected by stopping a raccoon problem as soon as possible. Call an Indianapolis raccoon control company to get rid of raccoons with environmental modifications, raccoon traps, and other types of humane raccoon control strategies.

Do you have a raccoon problem that won’t seem to go away no matter what you do? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust.

You Might Also Like:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?
Will a Wild Raccoon Hurt Me?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Facts About Raccoon Eating Habits

Raccoons are common visitors to metropolitan and residential communities. They are smart mammals that have a good memory and remember to go after what they know is accessible. Raccoons have learned that our neighborhoods and cities are perfect spots to grab an easy meal and perhaps some warm shelter as well. For this reason, raccoons have been labeled a nuisance animal in these areas.

Although raccoons are considered nuisance wildlife in urban areas, they are truly delightful critters with many interesting facts to offer. Maybe if you can recognize a raccoon’s diet, you might be able to understand what it is they are after when they trespass onto our properties. With this kind of knowledge, you can perhaps come to respect these mammals, and have a strategy to prevent them from invading your property in the future.

Continue reading to learn just what a raccoon diet looks like, and who to call for professional advice and information regarding raccoon control and more.

Indianapolis Indiana Raccoon Removal 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Indiana Raccoon Removal 317-535-4605

What Do Raccoons Eat?

Raccoons are opportunistic eaters. They are omnivores that eat many different varieties of plant life, invertebrates, and vertebrates. In nature, raccoons are fond of fish, frogs, nuts, acorns, berries, fruit, insects, worms, bird eggs, and even larger prey like birds, snakes, and lizards. With so many subspecies of raccoon in the world, their diets vary depending on the region in which they live. Raccoon species that live near ocean eat more shellfish and aquatic wildlife, in contrast to the Northern raccoon which feeds mostly on the foodstuffs we mentioned before.

Raccoons in Urban Areas

Raccoons that trespass onto residential and commercial properties are looking for anything and everything similar to the foods we just discussed. For those who like to take the garbage outside the night before trash pickup day, you might experience higher frequencies of raccoons to your property.

Leaving garbage outside is like giving raccoons, and other nocturnal wildlife, a free invitation to an all-you-can-eat buffet in your driveway. Not only does this habit attract nuisance wildlife, but it also leaves behind a huge mess for you to wake up to. And raccoons will remember your home as a means for food and return night after night looking for more hand-outs.

Raccoons Will Eat Your Other Animal Food

Raccoons also like to eat pet food, bird seed, and even squirrel seed. Properties with pet bowls outside, or even pet food in the garage, have a higher chance of experiencing problems with raccoons than properties that do not take part in such activities. Bird feeders and squirrel feeders are also a big attraction for raccoons. Removing these objects from a property with raccoons can greatly reduce their rate of return, and leave other raccoons disinterested in your home.

If you have a problem with nuisance raccoons, never try to trap or harm them on your own. It requires professional training, tools, and licensing to facilitate any type of raccoon removal service. Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for DNR licensed and insured critter control services for raccoons in Central, Indiana.

You Should Also Read:

How to Make Safe and Humane Raccoon Repellents at Home
How to Spot the Signs of Rabies in a Raccoon
3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Top Solutions for a Raccoon Infestation in Indianapolis

Raccoons are intelligent creatures, and can learn to adapt to changing environments quickly.  This means that when new construction comes into their territory, and their homes are transformed into residential and commercial neighborhoods, they learn to live around it, or sometimes even INSIDE IT! If you have recently discovered raccoons in the attic or some other occupied area of your premises, it is important that you act fast.

Continue below to learn the top solutions for a raccoon infestation problem in Indianapolis.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Attic Cleanup 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Attic Cleanup 317-535-4605

Nuisance Raccoons are Destructive and Dangerous

Raccoons are known to trespass into residential homes and buildings through attics, roofs, chimneys, and crawl spaces.  Pet doors are a very popular amenity for raccoons as well.  Outdoor raccoons have also learned to use the underground sewer systems and drainpipes as a roadway to travel from one place to another. 

These mammals are considered a nuisance to most people, especially the ones who have sacrificed gardens, roof shingles, soiled attic insulation, and other areas that were damaged by raccoon invasion.  These damages can be costly to repair and require extensive amounts of time to fix. Raccoons can also tamper with your pets’ food, outdoor sheds, garages, and anything else they can get access to.  

How to Get Rid of Raccoons 

There are many solutions to getting rid of raccoons in residential and commercial properties. Some choices are more expensive than others, and some are more labor intensive than others. The best solution to use is the one that suits your needs and situation the easiest. For example, one way to keep raccoons off your property is to be sure there is nothing attracting them to come over. Do not leave pet food outdoors, be sure to lock up pet doors at night, and secure your sheds and outdoor storage units. 

Professional Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

If you have an indoor raccoon problem, such as raccoons in the attic, chimney, roof, or crawl space, then contacting a professional Indianapolis raccoon control company is the safest and most reliable way to solve the problem. They retain all the latest technologies and proper equipment to remove raccoons, as well as prevent them from re-gaining access. A professional animal removal service is licensed and experienced in raccoon control and can handle the situation safely. Raccoon removal is not a DIY job; however, there are things a homeowner can do to prevent attracting raccoons onto their properties, as mentioned above. 

Are you ready to firmly solve your raccoon problems at an affordable price? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services at the most economical rates in town.

You Might Also Read:

How to Respond to a Wild Raccoon Attack
What to Do if You Find a Raccoon in the Dumpster
Why Raccoons are a Threat to Your Home and Loved Ones

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Can I Get Ebola From a Raccoon?

Ebola is a dangerous and scary virus. So, when another news story of an outbreak or occurrence airs, it is natural for the community to be fearful. Many people assume that Ebola is carried and transmitted by dirt, pest-like animals, such as raccoons and bats. Namely with raccoons, there is a lot of misconceptions about the illnesses they commonly carry and transmit, and how. If you are spotting raccoons in your neighborhood, do not fear. Just contact a local animal removal service for assistance.

In the meantime, continue reading to learn the truth about wild raccoons and the Ebola virus, including facts you need to know and methods of raccoon control you can use.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Learn About Raccoons and Rabies

The rumors of raccoons and the Ebola viruses being connected in some way mostly have to do with the comparisons made between Rabies and Ebola. Rabies is a common, life-threatening disease that is publicly linked to raccoons because raccoons, and bats, are species of mammals that most often carry the virus, or become infected with it. The reason why Rabies and Ebola have been discussed together is that they share a lot of similar qualities. Both viruses are nearly lethal for humans, and most certainly lethal for other animals, like dogs and cats.

Since they are equally dangerous, they are equally feared as well, giving them something else in common. Also, it is difficult to become infected by these viruses. Not only is the likelihood small, but the chances of coming in contact with such virus is rare. Unlike colds and flu viruses that can be spread through respiratory transmissions, a person, or animal, must have direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected subject. It cannot be contracted through a simple cough or sneeze. One major difference, on the other hand, is that Ebola has the capacity to evolve and change, whereas Rabies does not.

How to Manage Raccoons Around Your Area

A person should not be scared to contract the Ebola virus from a raccoon, considering there have been no reports of such events taking place. But people should always beware of raccoons because they commonly carry contagious and infectious diseases that can kill or injure a living being including pets. If you spot a raccoon on your property, contact an Indianapolis raccoon removal company for immediate service. It is strongly suggested for homes near wooded areas, or city areas, to raccoon-proof your property to avoid a raccoon problem in the future.

Are you seeing too many raccoons around your house each night? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust.

You Should Also Enjoy:

How to Spot the Signs of Rabies in a Raccoon
Do Raccoons Eat Other Animals?
Why You Do Not Want to Make a Raccoon Your Pet

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

How to Make Safe and Humane Raccoon Repellents at Home

Raccoons are intelligent and fascinating critters that are just simply trying to get by, just like the rest of us. They have little ones to feed and care for, just as we do; and they require sufficient food resources and shelter for survival, just like us. So, don’t get angry at raccoons when they trespass onto your property and make a mess out of things; instead, understand they are just doing what they have to so they can survive! They don’t mean to be a bother, but it is understandable to not want them coming around anymore. Just know that there is never a need to kill, trap, or harm raccoons. Always contact a wildlife removal company for professional and secure assistance with a severe raccoon infestation or control issue.

For those who just have a few nocturnal visitors ever night, consider these safe and humane raccoon repelling recipes and ideas that you can make at home!

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-535-4605

Homemade Non-Toxic Raccoon Deterrents

There are endless varieties of raccoon repellents you can make just by using the items you have in your home. Before thinking about making and using a raccoon repellent, be sure you have sealed your home properly so more raccoons cannot enter under any circumstances. This means closing all windows, doors, and vents. It also means sealing up any vulnerable areas like loose roof shingles, siding, or soffits. The most precise way to seal and raccoon-proof your home, meaning to not let raccoons inside, is to hire a professional Indianapolis raccoon removal company for accurate diagnostics and services. Once this is complete, you can start creating safe and humane raccoon deterrents!

Helpful Tips for Discouraging Raccoon Activity Around Your Property

☑ Use a wire mesh cover or floppy-top wire fence to protect gardens.

☑ Place a bowl of ammonia at the bottom of chimneys or fireplaces.

☑ Sprinkle potent herbs and spices around the yard (i.e. cinnamon, chili pepper, menthol, eucalyptus, ground black pepper, etc.).

☑ Boil for 20 minutes: 2 cups water, 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper, one onion, and several hot peppers for a spray bottle repellent.

☑ Install motion-activated sprinkler and lighting systems.

☑ Install sound machines to exterior of property.

Have you tried everything but still dealing with nuisance raccoons? Contact us at 317-535-4605 to get your free estimate for humane raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout the central parts of the state.

You Should Also Read:

Will a Wild Raccoon Hurt Me?
Here’s Why You Have Nuisance Raccoons on Your Property
Top 3 Products for Humane Raccoon Abatement

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

How to Respond to a Wild Raccoon Attack

Raccoons are very intelligent and ambitious creatures. They are known to trespass onto residential and commercial properties for the purpose of finding food or shelter. When this happens, property owners become worried that they are at risk of a raccoon attack. In most cases, raccoons will not attack unless they are incessantly provoked; even then, they are still unlikely to attack. The most common circumstances in which a raccoon attack another human or animal is if the raccoon is ill or protecting their young. However, this does not mean that the raccoon attacks do not occur. If you or your pet is attacked by a raccoon, it is important to take immediate action.

Continue reading to learn you should do in such a case, and how to protect your home from raccoon intrusions.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Attacks on Humans

Because raccoons are common carriers of several dangerous and infectious diseases, you must act quickly if you ever scratched or bitten by raccoon. Not only do raccoons carry infectious diseases, but their saliva is also full of bacteria that can be extremely dangerous if it somehow enters your bloodstream, either through an existing open wound, eyes, or mouth. That is why it is important to immediately visit a nearby walk-in clinic or emergency room regardless of how minor you think your injuries may be. You may require vaccinations or medication to prevent illness and infection.

Attacks on Dogs and Cats

Pets like dogs and cats may come into contact with the wild raccoon and anytime. If they come in contact with the wrong raccoon, they could experience an attack as well. In fact, it is more common for dogs to be attacked by raccoons that it is for humans because dogs are curious and tend to provoke raccoons more than humans do.

In the case that your doctor is bitten or injured by a wild raccoon, you must immediately take them to your vet. If your veterinarian offices closed, take them to a 24 hour emergency veterinary clinic. An accident like this cannot wait till the next morning so be sure you use a 24 hour clinic is your vet offices closed.

Nuisance Raccoon Control Tips

Contact a local Indianapolis raccoon control company if you are experiencing raccoon problems near your home or property. Professional raccoon removal services are the wisest and most effective choice for anyone that needs to get rid of raccoons. Be sure to only use a company that practices safe and non-lethal methods of raccoon control.

Are you seeing too many raccoons around your house each night? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We serve all of Central Indiana and can give free advice and estimates, anytime.

You Might Also Like:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?
Will a Wild Raccoon Hurt Me?

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

How to Make Indianapolis Raccoon Removal Easy

When raccoons get into your house, the result is not pleasant. Wild animals like raccoons are capable of causing extensive amounts of property damage, far beyond your imagination. Dry wall, ceilings, attic insulation, and more can all be destroyed by just one raccoon. Furthermore, you must consider the unsanitary conditions they cause, the diseases they carry, and the safety threat they pose to people and pets. So, if raccoons are visiting your property, or worse, you have already discovered evidence that they might be infesting an area of your house, you need emergency raccoon removal services immediately. The longer you wait, the more intense and expensive the damages will be.

Fortunately, the DNR licensed and insured professionals at Raccoon Removal Indianapolis make it easy for you. Scroll down to learn how, and why you should choose us to get rid of raccoons safely and at a price you can afford.

The Easiest Way to Safely Get Rid of Raccoons in Indianapolis!

Why Choose Raccoon Removal Indianapolis

Our licensed and insured wildlife abatement contractors provide a wide range of services surrounding raccoon control and raccoon-proofing for residential and commercial properties. If a raccoon or raccoon colony invades your home or property, and damages occur, our highly trained technicians can remove them safely and humanely at a price you can afford.

Additional Raccoon Removal Services We Offer in Indianapolis

We also provide raccoon cleanup and sanitation services to remove odors, urine, feces, birthing leftovers, rotten food scraps, and much more. When it comes to removing raccoons, we only use safe and humane methods of extraction, never trapping raccoons, and then relocate them to a far-away habitat or animal sanctuary. We even handle raccoon damage insurance claims!

How to Get Started With a Free Estimate for Indianapolis Raccoon Control

Call Raccoon Removal Indianapolis at 317-535-4605 and receive free information or estimates regarding raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. Whether you require indoor or outdoor raccoon control services or repairs, our highly trained and DNR licensed animal control specialist can get the job done efficiently and effectively. We offer specials, discounts, free estimates, and customized economy based pricing to fit into any property owner’s budget. Contact us at 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate for raccoon removal services, anytime.

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?

You thought raccoons were active at night, being that they are a nocturnal species; right? And now you are seeing then around your property during the day and wondering why? Well, you are not alone. Many people tend to assume that if a raccoon is spotted in the daytime, it must be infected with Rabies or some other illness. This is due to common knowledge that raccoons are nocturnal mammals, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night.

For once, this particular theory is one of the few times where public assumption is actually right! Not in all cases, but in many, a raccoon that is seen outside during the day is most likely sick or infected. This does not mean that the raccoon necessarily has the Rabies virus, but it can mean that it is infected with another type of communicable diseases or illnesses. Raccoons are infected with any type of disease exhibit very unusual and erratic behaviors, and daytime walking is one of them.

Continue reading to learn more about raccoons and rabies, and what to do if you are seeing raccoons on your property during the day.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Not All Raccoons Have Rabies, But Be Careful Anyway

Just because you see a raccoon out during the day does not mean it is necessarily sick or infected with the Rabies virus. Yes, in many cases a raccoon seen wondering about during the day is generally sick or confused. On the other hand, there are many circumstances explaining why raccoons might be out during the day instead of the night. These are important to know so that you have peace of mind if you ever encounter a raccoon on your property during the day.

It is important to remain calm and not be frightened by the raccoon. A startled raccoon could be provoked to attack or become aggressive in order to defend itself or its young. If you ever spotter raccoon on your property, contact a local raccoon control and prevention service immediately for professional service and assistance. Let’s discuss some additional reasons why raccoons might be out during the daytime even though they are nocturnal creatures.

Expected Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons, although nocturnal, are commonly seen searching for food and drink during the day. You can expect to nocturnal animal to sleep from dusk until dawn every single night! They must find other things to do besides sleep for 12 hours. They use the early-morning hours and dusk hours to hunt for insects, small birds, fish, garbage and leftovers, freshwater, and potential shelter for the night. This is very common behavior for wild raccoons. This is another reason to not be startled when you encounter a raccoon on your property during the day. Instead of being infected with rabies, they might just be thirsty and hungry.

For female raccoons that are nursing their young, daytime hours can be highly beneficial. They use these hours to hunt and gather extra food and nutrients for themselves and their young. When nursing, female raccoons require a higher amount of nourishment and nutrition. They can get access to this extra sustenance during the early morning hours and dusk as well.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in Indianapolis

Call 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists that offer a wide range of affordable animal removal services for commercial and residential properties. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605