The Dangers of Raccoons: What You Need to Know

Raccoons are cute, but they can be dangerous too. While these furry critters may look harmless, it’s important to know the risks associated with nuisance raccoons and how to protect yourself from them. In this blog post, we will cover the dangers of raccoon encounters including diseases they carry, tips for raccoon removal, and raccoon control measures you should take if you have a raccoon infestation in your home. Knowing what threats raccoons pose is essential for protecting your family and pets from potential harm.

Continue reading to learn more about the risks posed by these common nuisance animals!

Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Raccoon Diseases

When it comes to raccoon diseases, there are several that you should be aware of. The most common and serious is Rabies, which can be contracted through contact with a raccoon or its saliva. Other diseases include roundworm, leptospirosis, and salmonella, all of which can cause severe illness in humans. If you ever come across a raccoon that appears sickly or looks lethargic, do not approach the animal, and call your local Indiana wildlife control agency for assistance.

Raccoon Removal

If you already have an infestation of raccoons in your home or property, it’s important to act quickly to remove them before they cause more damage or spread disease. Professional raccoon removal services can help you humanely remove raccoons from your property. They can also help with any necessary repairs and cleanup that may be required after the animals are removed.

Raccoon Proofing

Once the raccoons have been removed, it’s important to take steps to prevent future infestations. Raccoon-proof your home by sealing up any openings or access points they may use to get in, such as chimneys, attics, and vents. If these areas cannot be sealed off, consider installing an electric fence around your property to keep raccoons away. Additionally, secure all garbage cans tightly and don’t leave pet food or bird seed outside overnight as this will attract raccoons looking for a free meal.

You can also make a homemade raccoon repellent spray. The ingredients you’ll need are easy to find and can likely be found in your kitchen pantry. These include water, white vinegar, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and dish soap. You can also use menthol oil, capsaicin oil, or putrescent egg. Just combine the ingredients of your choosing in a spray bottle and then apply it to raccoon-prone areas, like gardens or trash cans. Reapplication every couple weeks should be enough to keep raccoons away for good! Be sure to keep kids and pets away from any treated areas.

Protect Your Property and Loved Ones With Raccoon Control and Awareness

By being aware of the risks associated with raccoons and taking preventative measures to control and remove them from your property, you can ensure your family is safe from any potential harm. If you want to get rid of raccoons in the Indianapolis area, your best option is to hire a qualified critter control company for expert removal services. Such teams are licensed and insured, so that you can have confidence that the job will be done properly.

So, call a professional Indianapolis raccoon removal service if you ever need assistance with getting rid of raccoons. They will have the proper knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle the situation safely.

Are you ready to skip the hassle of animal-proofing against raccoons yourself? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for licensed and insured raccoon control services in Indianapolis, Indiana, and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial properties at the most competitive prices around.

Related Posts:

How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home
How to Get Rid of Nuisance Raccoons With Garlic and Oil
Is Your Lawn a Target for Raccoon Grubbing?

Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?

You thought raccoons were active at night, being that they are a nocturnal species; right? And now you are seeing then around your property during the day and wondering why? Well, you are not alone. Many people tend to assume that if a raccoon is spotted in the daytime, it must be infected with Rabies or some other illness. This is due to common knowledge that raccoons are nocturnal mammals, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night.

For once, this particular theory is one of the few times where public assumption is actually right! Not in all cases, but in many, a raccoon that is seen outside during the day is most likely sick or infected. This does not mean that the raccoon necessarily has the Rabies virus, but it can mean that it is infected with another type of communicable diseases or illnesses. Raccoons are infected with any type of disease exhibit very unusual and erratic behaviors, and daytime walking is one of them.

Continue reading to learn more about raccoons and rabies, and what to do if you are seeing raccoons on your property during the day.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Not All Raccoons Have Rabies, But Be Careful Anyway

Just because you see a raccoon out during the day does not mean it is necessarily sick or infected with the Rabies virus. Yes, in many cases a raccoon seen wondering about during the day is generally sick or confused. On the other hand, there are many circumstances explaining why raccoons might be out during the day instead of the night. These are important to know so that you have peace of mind if you ever encounter a raccoon on your property during the day.

It is important to remain calm and not be frightened by the raccoon. A startled raccoon could be provoked to attack or become aggressive in order to defend itself or its young. If you ever spotter raccoon on your property, contact a local raccoon control and prevention service immediately for professional service and assistance. Let’s discuss some additional reasons why raccoons might be out during the daytime even though they are nocturnal creatures.

Expected Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons, although nocturnal, are commonly seen searching for food and drink during the day. You can expect to nocturnal animal to sleep from dusk until dawn every single night! They must find other things to do besides sleep for 12 hours. They use the early-morning hours and dusk hours to hunt for insects, small birds, fish, garbage and leftovers, freshwater, and potential shelter for the night. This is very common behavior for wild raccoons. This is another reason to not be startled when you encounter a raccoon on your property during the day. Instead of being infected with rabies, they might just be thirsty and hungry.

For female raccoons that are nursing their young, daytime hours can be highly beneficial. They use these hours to hunt and gather extra food and nutrients for themselves and their young. When nursing, female raccoons require a higher amount of nourishment and nutrition. They can get access to this extra sustenance during the early morning hours and dusk as well.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in Indianapolis

Call 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists that offer a wide range of affordable animal removal services for commercial and residential properties. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

How to Spot the Signs of Rabies in a Raccoon

Raccoons are dirty and destructive animals that tend to behave mischievously. But there is a more serious concern that encourages homeowners to protect their properties from nuisance raccoon activity. We are talking about the Rabies Virus. Raccoons are a common carrier of the Rabies virus, and although they do not always become actively infected or show signs of being a carrier, spotting a rabid raccoon is easy.

Continue reading to learn the most common signs that a raccoon has Rabies, and what to do if you come across one in nature or on your property.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Detecting Rabies Symptoms in Raccoons

Anytime you come across an animal, whether domesticated or wild, that you suspect has Rabies, always act as if they do, and keep your distance. As for raccoons, a healthy raccoon should be out at night, or dusk. Also, they should appear robust, coordinated, and seem as though they have an agenda. A healthy raccoon should exhibit all characteristics that a mammal in good condition would. Now, as for a rabid raccoon, the signs are very different.

Here are the Most Common Signs and Symptoms of a Rabid Raccoon:

The raccoon cannot walk straight, or has trouble walking. They might even appear to be intoxicated or confused, and might also be walking in circles.

The raccoon appears confused, disoriented, or reacting slow.

The raccoon is making strange sounds and noises. A little chit chatter with other coons is normal, but strange noises while out and about is not.

The raccoon is foaming at the mouth or has an abnormal amount of saliva. The raccoon may look like its drooling excessively. But no one should ever be close enough to a raccoon to see the foam in their mouths!

The raccoons looks sick, weak, dead, or appears as if it is dying.

The raccoon is out during the daytime hours. Although a healthy raccoon can do this from time to time, if a raccoon is demonstrating any of the above signs in addition to being out during the day, it may be rabid.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control at an Affordable Price

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services at the most competitive prices in town. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control contractors who offer residential and commercial raccoon abatement services throughout all of Central Indiana, including raccoon damage clean up services. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Communicable Diseases That Can Be Carried By Raccoons

Wild raccoons are common carriers of various infectious and transmittable diseases. These maladies are unfavorable ailments to contract and treat. In humans, most of these communicable diseases are treatable, but nonetheless painful and unpleasant.  In pets, the more serious infections are difficult to treat and are sometimes incurable.

Continue reading to learn some interesting and helpful facts about common transmittable raccoon diseases, and who to call to remove nuisance raccoons from your residential or commercial property.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Rabies Virus

Almost everyone has heard the term, “rabies”, before. If you have seen ravenous dogs foaming at the mouth on television, this is most likely the directors take on a rabid animal. The truth is that rabies is not a disease to brush off as a light matter. It is a very real and common threat to our outdoor pets, as well as, us and our children. The rabies virus can be transmitted through saliva or other bodily secretions such a blood. If mixed or ingested with another person or animal’s system, the disease can be born and can also be fatal. 

Rabies vaccinations are available to the public and for pets. It is strongly suggested to take advantage of such vaccinations; especially if you have kids and pets, and live near wooded areas or communities. Other treatments include several infections, shots, immunizations, and medication. Unfortunately, in animals, rabies is almost always fatal.

Leptospirosis Bacterial Infection

The bacterium known as Leptospirosis is another infection that can be transmitted by wild raccoons.  This bacterium is carried in raccoon urine, and can be accidentally digested or contacted by humans and pets. Most of the time, contaminated water that comes into contact with the skin, eyes, nose, throat, or mouth is how the infection in contracted.

The infection causes influenza-like symptoms such as fever, core throat, coughing, and fatigue. It can also cause serious liver and kidney problems, which is why it is important to seek treatment as soon as you are aware there is something wrong. This disease does not have to be fatal so long as preventative care and treatment are implemented.

Baylisascaris Infection (Roundworm)

Roundworm is a very unpleasant disease that is also commonly carried and spread by wild raccoons. The Baylisascaris eggs are laid in raccoon feces, and spread by consumption or contact. People and animals can unintentionally swallow these eggs in water or soil. Because of this, children who play outside and pets are higher at risk for roundworm infection. Symptoms include fatigue, loss of muscle control and coordination, dizziness, and at worse stages, coma or blindness.  Although this infection is rare to contract, a large percentage of North American raccoons are carriers of this bacterium.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control You Can Trust

Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control services you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured nuisance wildlife removal contractors who offer a wide range of raccoon removal and control services, including raccoon cleanup, raccoon proofing, minor restorations for raccoon damages, and more. Request a free estimate or emergency service, today.

Do Raccoons Eat Other Animals?

If you have raccoons looming around your property at night, you might be wondering why. Well, raccoons are on a forever hunt for two things: food and shelter. Mostly, they are in search of food, which they will find using their high level of intelligence, dexterous paws, and acute memory capacities. But if they come across a place that suits their sheltering needs better than the nest they are living in, they will take advantage of that opportunity as well. So, if you have any type of food source on your property, it is likely the reason why you are having nightly raccoon visitors.

But what do raccoons eat? Will they eat your pet cat or dog? Will they eat other types of animals? Continue reading to learn what the common raccoon diet consists of and put your concerns to rest.

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Common Raccoon Diet

Raccoons are omnivores, just like humans. They eat meat, fruit, vegetables, and many other food groups. They basically eat almost anything. In metropolitan and urban areas, like our neighborhoods and towns, raccoons will mostly eat a diet of human garbage. They are quite known as dumpster divers and trashcan pillagers, making raccoons a common nuisance in the city and suburban locales. In the wild, raccoons mostly consume acorns, corn, insects, fish, and eggs. As for animals, they will eat hatchlings, small amphibians, and small birds.

So yes, raccoons do eat other animals at times, but they will not eat a cat or dog.

Nuisance Raccoons and Your Pets

Although raccoons are not after your cat or dog for their next meal, there is a chance that a raccoon will attack a curious, aggressive, or over-friendly cat or dog. For this reason, it is strongly encouraged to keep your pets properly vaccinated according to your vet’s recommendation. Furthermore, if you live in an area with known raccoon activity, avoid letting your pets outside at night unsupervised. This is when raccoons are active, and if approached or threatened, will bite or scratch a dog or cat. The rabies virus is often carried by raccoons, and is transmitted through blood and saliva, so you do not want your pet bitten or scratched from a raccoon that could possibly be infected.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons

The best way you can stop raccoons from trespassing onto your property is to remove all the things that are attracting them in the first place. If your property is no longer a source of food, water, or shelter, they will move onto other properties that provide these amenities. Seal up or remove these sources of food, water, and shelter: trashcans (always take them out on the morning of garbage collection day), pet food, gardens, bird baths, squirrel feeders, compost piles, log piles, hollowed trees, junk cars, and unlocked barns or sheds.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control Service

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and experienced wildlife control specialists who only use safe and humane methods to exclude and extract raccoons. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, raccoon cleanup and restoration, inspections, and raccoon-proofing. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate, today.

Why Raccoons are a Threat to Your Home and Loved Ones

Raccoons are a common presence in urbanized areas. Properties that are located near bodies of water, forests, and woods, are more likely to experience nuisance raccoon problems. Although raccoons are innocent and fascinating mammals, they happen to pose several dangers. For this reason, raccoons should be controlled in a safe and humane way if they are interfering with your home or quality of life.

If you see raccoons on your premises, continue reading to learn their most threatening attributes and what you can do to stop them from coming around.

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

People and Pets

The first and most significant risk posed by a wild raccoon presence on your property is the risk of harming people and pets. Raccoons are known carriers of several viruses and infectious diseases, including serious ones like Rabies, leptospirosis, Distemper, and raccoon roundworm, as well as less serious ones, like lice, fleas, ticks, and more. Although raccoons do not generally bite or attack, they will if they are provoked. For instance, young children who may stumble upon a baby raccoon in the yard that they think is abandoned, but in actuality, the mother raccoon is nearby and ready pounce if she feels her pup is in danger.


Pets are often victims of raccoon attacks because they unintentionally provoke them simply by being curious and taking a sniff. This is why pet vaccinations are so vital for the safety of your dogs and cats. This includes vaccines for Rabies, leptospirosis, Distemper, Lyme disease, and raccoon roundworm. It is also vital to give your pet a flea, tick, and heartworm medication regularly.


Raccoons are very clever, and they have excellent memories and problem solving skills. This is one reason why they are common offenders of attic and crawl space invasions. They can use their human-like paws to grasp, rip, and pry. They tear down attic insulation, chew up electrical wiring, soil floorboards and ceilings with their droppings, and more. However, even if raccoons cannot access the inner parts of a home or building, they can still cause a load of structural damages to a property. They will dig up lawns, pillage through gardens, pry off siding and roof shingles, rip window screens, rummage through garbage cans, eat bird seed, steal pet food, and more.

Raccoon Prevention

If you are experiencing nuisance raccoon activity too close to home, you can make some environmental changes that might dismiss their interest in your property. Here are some strategies you can start with:

↣ Do not leave pet food or pet dishes outside.
↣ Install automatic sprinklers or outdoor motion-sensor lighting.
↣ Always take your garbage to the curb on the morning of trash day.
↣ Remove squirrel and bird feeders outside.
↣ Make interior and exterior repairs to close up potential entry points.
↣ Install door and window locks;
↣ Purchase an outdoor sound machine or talk radio;

…or just hire a licensed Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control Company for professional and humane service. Just be sure to choose a company that uses safe and humane methods to remove raccoons or stop a raccoon infestation problem, as well as, provide cleanup and prevention services too.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured nuisance wildlife removal contractors who offer a wide range of 24 hour raccoon removal and control services, including raccoon cleanup, raccoon proofing, minor restorations for raccoon damages, and more. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate or emergency service, today.