Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?

If you have a healthy raccoon population in your community, you likely have spotted a few in and around your property. But, if you are noticing a recent increase in raccoon behavior on your premises, you can safely assume they are using every square inch of it as their own personal restroom. The problem is that raccoon droppings are not something you want your loved ones or your pets to be around.

Continue reading to learn why raccoon droppings can be toxic and dangerous, as well as how to get rid of raccoons if they are becoming a constant problem around your Central Indiana home.

Indianapolis IN Get Rid of Raccoons 317-535-4605
Indianapolis IN Get Rid of Raccoons 317-535-4605

Raccoon Scat Can Pose Several Health Risks

There are many health risks involved with being exposed to or coming into contact with raccoon droppings, often times referred to as raccoon scat. Anyone dealing with raccoon scat should take precaution. One health risk associated with raccoon scat is roundworm. Most people would have guessed rabies, but rabies is transferred through saliva, not fecal and urine matter. 

Roundworm will lay eggs in the raccoon droppings and the eggs can be picked up by humans or pets. Accidentally ingesting these eggs will result in violent nausea, blindness, organ failure, and even death. Entering a raccoon den or an area that has been contaminated by raccoons is not for a novice. It needs to be handled with the correct care and attention of a professional. 

Take Precaution When Confronted With a Raccoon Mess

One important aspect to note about raccoon removal from attics or other areas is to never actually touch or pick up the raccoon scat or any mess left behind from nesting or playing. These are contaminated items and can easily be picked up by humans and pets, as well as carried through the air vent systems in the home or property. 

When professionals complete a raccoon removal job in Indianapolis, they wear proper gear and uniform to protect themselves from these contaminates. Usually, ordinary families do not have this type of professional equipment on hand for these situations, so extra precaution is advised.

The sooner you realize you have a raccoon in the attic or other part of your property, to immediately take care of the situation. The longer raccoons reside inside these cavities, the more damage and health risks they cause.

Hire an Indianapolis Wildlife Removal Company to Get Rid of Raccoons 

Always enlist the services of a professional, DNR licensed and insured Indianapolis critter control company to get rid of raccoons, safely. They have the necessary equipment, industry knowledge and training, as well as the correct licenses to remove and relocate raccoons. 

Often times, critter control companies can also offer restoration and repair services alongside their raccoon removal services.  Be sure to contact your homeowners’ insurance company to check what your coverage is regarding raccoon damages in your attic and crawl spaces.

Are you having trouble getting rid of raccoons in or around your Indiana property? Contact us at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
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Indiana Raccoon Removal and Contro
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

How to Keep Raccoons Out of the Garden

Gardens are a great source of nutritious produce right at your fingertips. But at night when they are unattended, gardens are like a free buffet for raccoons. If you are noticing that your gardens are being pillaged by nuisance wildlife during the night, raccoons are likely to blame. Not only are they intelligent and can remember where food sources are located, they have human-like paws that can prick, pry, pluck, and more.

If you want to stop nuisance raccoons from destroying your cherished gardens, continue reading to learn what you need to do.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Raccoons and Gardens

Why do raccoons love your garden? Because they are opportunistic feeders; they will eat meat, vegetables, fruit, grains, and even the Coco Crispiesâ  they find in the trash can. As omnivores, raccoons will take great pleasure in eating everything your garden has to offer, from herb and cabbages, to cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, potatoes, mild peppers, corn, and more.

Raccoon Control

The best way to stop raccoons from pillaging your gardens every night is to implement certain environmental modifications. First, plant things that raccoons hate around the perimeter of your garden, such as spicy peppers, menthol, and marigolds. Then, you must remove all other attractions from your property that raccoons take interest in, namely food and water like bird baths, pet food, and squirrel feeders.

Once you have put these environmental modifications into effect, your next step is to consider some form of fencing around your garden. Chicken wire works well, but many homeowners do not like the look. Another options, as mentioned, is planting a fence of marigolds. Raccoons hate the sticky, prickly vines and foliage of marigolds, and will not try too hard to surpass them.

Another option is professional raccoon control services. Not only can a professional raccoon control company implement these same environmental modifications for you, they can also ensure that your home and adjacent shelters (i.e. barns, sheds, garages, etc.) are not vulnerable to invasion. They will inspect and seal all openings and vulnerable areas so that raccoons cannot enter inside.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control contractors who offer residential and commercial raccoon abatement services at the most competitive prices in town, including minor attic restorations for raccoon damages. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Protecting Your Green House From Raccoons

Now that spring is here which means it’s finally time to pay our gardens some much-needed attention. Gardening is a wonderful, nature-friendly hobby that reaps numerous rewards for the entire family. With all the hard work we put into managing our vegetable and flowers, it can be devastating to find that a nuisance animal destroyed it all in one nights’ time. Unfortunately, this is a common problem among homeowners and garden enthusiasts that live in areas where raccoons are abundant.

Having a raccoon problem is not only threatening to your crops, it is also threatening to your property and your home’s structural integrity. Once raccoons notice your property as a place for food, they never forget and will continue to revisit, increasing the damage they are capable of. One asset that has become a popular new feeding and sheltering spot for wild raccoons are green houses. It is important to learn how to keep raccoons out of your beloved green house in order to protect your bountiful harvests!

Raccoons and Greenhouses

Raccoons are constantly in search of a reliable food source and warm shelter. With the new advancements in technologies and science, many more average homeowners are able to create and manage their very own greenhouses. With an increase in greenhouse numbers in residential areas, raccoons have quickly taken notice to a new and abundant source of food and shelter. Fortunately, there are steps you can take as a greenhouse owner to protect your investment by thwarting raccoon activity on your property. Focus on these key tips to protect your greenhouse from raccoon damage:

• Never use poisons or harmful chemicals to keep raccoons away. These are cruel and in-humane, as well as, potentially lethal to your domesticated animals.

• Spend quality time in your greenhouse to prevent birds and other animals from nesting inside and destroying your plants. Routine use on an everyday-basis can be enough to scare wild animals away, including raccoons.

• Maintain a clean and tidy greenhouse. Excessive stashes of trash, water, animal feed, or seeds can attract raccoons and other wild animals. Keep items like these stored in a locked shed or inside the home.

• Inspect the interior and exterior of your green house on a regular basis. Look for holes, gaps, and openings that could have been caused by animal intruders. Seal or block all access points with crumpled foil, course steel wool, or animal-intended metal mesh.

• Consider renovated your greenhouse floors if they are made of dirt. This can allow animals to burrow through. Install concrete flooring, sheet metal, or other suitable flooring that will obstruct this from happening.

• Install electronic ultrasound machines, predator call sound machines, or motion-sensor lighting to scare away raccoons and other wildlife. Bright lights, predator sounds, and certain pitches can alarm a raccoon, changing their mind about visiting your property in the future. These can be purchase at a wide range of prices depending on brand, retailer, and quality.

• Use scents and smells to keep raccoons away. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil, or simply use moth balls, and place them strategically around your greenhouse. You can also try sprinkling cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or ammonia around the perimeter of your greenhouse or property line. Be careful using ammonia if you have dogs or cats. You may also try soaking a rag in apple cider vinegar overnight, then placing the rag into a bowl, and putting it outside your greenhouse.

• If you have a very large, climate-controlled greenhouse, it is highly recommended to get a greenhouse cat. Be sure to keep the cat exclusively in the greenhouse, and not in the yard, since a cat in the yard will just attract insects that are damaging to your plants. But a cat in the greenhouse is highly effective at protecting it from nuisance wildlife.

Raccoon Removal and Control in Indianapolis

Call 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists with decades of experience in the industry. We only use safe and non-lethal methods of raccoon exclusion and extraction, and also provide a wide range of additional raccoon-related services. Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal you can trust.