Raccoons Be Gone! A Complete Guide to Raccoon Removal

Raccoons, those masked bandits of the night, can cause quite a headache for homeowners, especially in Indiana where the Common raccoon (Procyon lotor) is thriving. With their nimble hands and innate curiosity, these creatures can turn your peaceful abode into their own personal playground. From nesting in your attic to ravaging your garbage cans, raccoon infestations are a nuisance, and raccoon-related damage can be a costly affair.

However, worry not, in this comprehensive guide, we will introduce you to their habits, their preferred nesting spots, and the damage they can cause. We will also equip you with effective raccoon control strategies, ranging from homemade deterrents to professional raccoon removal services. Stay tuned as we embark on this journey to get rid of raccoons from your property.

Call 317-535-4605 to Reach Our Licensed Raccoon Removal Company in Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 to Reach Our Licensed Raccoon Removal Company in Indianapolis

The Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor)

The Common raccoon, known for its black mask and ringed tail, is native to North America. These intelligent creatures are highly adaptable and have thrived in urban settings, including the state of Indiana. They are found all over the state, from the bustling cities to suburban areas and even rural parts. As omnivores, their diet consists of both plants and animals, making them versatile foragers. However, their natural curiosity often leads them to human settlements in search of food and shelter.

Preferred Nesting Spots

Raccoons are opportunistic nesters and can make themselves at home just about anywhere. Some common nesting spots include:

Attics: Raccoons prefer warm and dark areas, which makes your attic an ideal spot for nesting. They can enter through small openings or damaged areas on the roof.

Chimneys: Tall chimneys make for a cozy nesting spot for raccoons, especially during colder months.

Garbage Cans and Dumpsters: Raccoons are notorious for rummaging through garbage cans and dumpsters in search of food.

Under Decks and Sheds: These structures provide shelter and protection for raccoons, making them appealing nesting spots.

It’s important to regularly inspect these areas and seal off any potential entry points to prevent a raccoon infestation.

Damage Caused by Raccoon Infestations

Raccoons can cause a variety of damage when they make their way into your property. Some common types of damage caused by raccoon infestations include:

Structural Damage: Raccoons can tear through insulation, wiring, and other materials in your attic or walls, causing costly structural damage.

Contamination: Their feces and urine can contaminate the area they nest in, posing health hazards to you and your family.

Noise Disturbance: Raccoons are most active at night, and their movements can be loud and disruptive.

Garden Damage: Raccoons are omnivores and will eat fruits and vegetables from your garden.

Effective Raccoon Control Tips

Now that you know more about raccoons let’s discuss some effective raccoon control tips to keep them at bay:

Keep garbage cans securely covered. Use bungee cords or tight-fitting lids to prevent raccoons from accessing your garbage cans.

Use deterrents. Raccoons are sensitive to strong smells, so using items such as ammonia-soaked rags, predator urine, or cayenne pepper can deter them from entering your property.

Install motion-activated lights and sprinklers. These can startle and scare off raccoons when they enter your property.

Seek professional help. If the infestation is severe, it’s best to seek professional raccoon removal and control services. These professionals have the knowledge and equipment to safely remove raccoons from your property.


Raccoons may seem cute and cuddly, but their presence on your property can cause significant damage and inconvenience. By understanding their habits and implementing effective raccoon control tips, you can prevent infestations and protect your property. Remember, ‘Raccoons Be Gone!’ is possible with proper knowledge and proactive measures!  So, stay vigilant, stay informed, and bid adieu to those pesky masked bandits!

If you have questions about raccoon control and removal, contact one of our Indianapolis wildlife control professionals for assistance. We provide effective raccoon removal and control services for residential and commercial properties throughout central Indiana. With the right approach, you can keep raccoons away from your home for good!

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How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home
The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself
General Process of Raccoon Infestation Clean-Up and Repair

How Raccoons Live in Urban Areas

Raccoons are one of the most adaptable animals in North America, and they’re increasingly making their homes in urban areas. As cities expand into raccoon habitat, these clever critters have learned to make the best of city living. But while having a wild animal as a neighbor can be exciting, it’s important for homeowners to understand how to coexist with raccoons safely and humanely.

In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look at how raccoons live in urban areas and what you need to know about raccoon control if they become unwelcome visitors to your property.

Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Control Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Control Service in Indianapolis Indiana

How Raccoon Populations Thrive in Residential and Commercial Areas

They Eat Practically Anything

Raccoons are omnivores, so they can eat almost anything. They love to feast on fruits, nuts, and berries from backyard gardens, and they’ll happily rummage through garbage cans in search of an easy meal. Raccoons will also explore dumpsters and compost bins for food scraps. To protect their food sources, raccoons have become expert climbers, able to scale the sides of buildings and trees with ease. This allows them to access areas that other animals can’t reach.

They are Skilled at Finding Shelter

In addition to having excellent food hoarding skills, raccoons are adept at finding shelter in urban areas. They often make their homes in attics or under porches during the colder months of the year, taking advantage of the warmth and protection that a man-made structure provides. Raccoons may also take up residence in tree cavities or abandoned burrows, finding security and safety from potential predators.

They are Intelligent and Agile

Their exceptional intelligence and problem-solving skills have made raccoons a tricky nuisance for many city and suburb dwellers. They have learned to thrive in human-dominated habitats and are often found scavenging through garbage cans and climbing onto rooftops in search of food. These intelligent creatures have learned how to outsmart humans by opening latches and doors, and even picking locks. They are agile climbers, expert swimmers, and can run at impressive speeds when needed.

Protect Your Property With Raccoon Control

If you have raccoons living on your property, it’s important to remember that they are wild animals and should be treated with respect. As such, homeowners should take steps to discourage raccoon activity by removing any potential food sources like pet food dishes or uncovered garbage cans. If you need to deter raccoons from entering certain areas of your home, there are humane wildlife control methods available that can help keep them out without harming them. These include using motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices to startle away curious critters.

Professional Raccoon Removal Services

If you are dealing with a nuisance raccoon problem that won’t seem to go away, contact a local and licensed wildlife control company for raccoon removal services. They have the proper licensing, training, and resources to safely get rid of raccoons without disturbing other areas of your property. Keep in mind that many states have laws that forbid home and property owners from harming or trapping wildlife without the proper permits, including raccoons. Always enlist the job of raccoon trapping and removal to a licensed pro.

Are you ready to skip the hassle of animal-proofing against raccoons yourself? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional raccoon control services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers with the most economic rates around.

Related Posts:

The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself
9 Tips for Keeping Raccoons Away From Your Home
How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home

For Raccoon Lovers Only

Raccoons are furry, funny, curious little mammals that spark the interest of many woodland property owners. In fact, some people find raccoons so appealing, they domesticate them as pets! When raccoon-lovers spot a raccoon, a surge if excitement rushes through them, lifting their spirits and charming even the most stoic of them all. This is because raccoons are interesting to watch, from a faraway safe distance of course.

Their curiosity and intelligence fascinate those who find raccoons an interesting breed of mammal. So, when they finally disappear into the woods, we can’t help but feel a little disappointed, but more so, curious as to what they do when we are not looking.

Continue reading to learn more about raccoon behavior and how they conduct their daily lives.

Humane Raccoon Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Humane Raccoon Control Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

The Most Common Facts About the Common Raccoon

Procyon lotor, commonly known as the Common raccoon or North American raccoon, is a medium-sized mammal native to North America. The raccoon is the largest of the procyonid family, having a body length of 40 to 70 cm (16 to 28 in) and a body weight of 5 to 26 kg (11 to 57 lb). Its grayish coat mostly consists of dense underfur which insulates it against cold weather.

Two of the raccoon’s most distinctive features are its extremely dexterous front paws and its facial mask, which are themes in the mythology of several Native American ethnic groups. Raccoons are noted for their intelligence, with studies showing that they are able to remember the solution to tasks for up to three years.

Raccoons are one of the most common animals in North America, and they’re also one of the most interesting. Here are some facts about these masked mammals:

🦝 Raccoons are highly intelligent animals. They have been known to solve complex puzzles and open doors and cabinets.

🦝 Raccoons are excellent climbers. They can climb almost any surface, including trees, fences, and houses.

🦝 Raccoons are nocturnal animals. They are most active at night, but they can also be seen during the day.

🦝 Raccoons have sensitive hands. They have five toes on each hand, and each toe has a claw. This allows them to grip onto things tightly.

🦝 Raccoons are omnivores. This means that they eat both plants and animals. Some of their favorite foods include fruits, nuts, insects, and small mammals.

🦝 Raccoons can carry diseases. They are known to carry rabies, which is a deadly disease for humans.

What To Do If You Have a Nuisance Raccoon Problem

If you live in an area where raccoons are common, you know that these clever creatures can cause a major nuisance. Not only do they rummage through trash cans and steal pet food, but they can also carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets. If you’re dealing with a raccoon problem, you may be wondering how to get rid of them for good. Although there are a few different ways that you can go about raccoon management, the best way is to contact a licensed and insured wildlife control operator who specializes in Indianapolis raccoon removal and control.

Are you dealing with raccoon intrusions and property tampering in Indy? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

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Why Do I See Raccoons Out at Daytime?
Are Raccoon Droppings Toxic?
Facts About Raccoon Eating Habits

Types of Raccoon Species Found Around the Globe

There are various types of raccoons in the world. Each species is similar to each other, but different in their special ways. The wild raccoon varies from region to region. Their surrounding environment, climate, and diet influence their unique and identifying qualities. Continue reading to learn about the interesting types of raccoon species found all around the world.

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North American Raccoon – Procyon Lotor

North America

The most common North American raccoon is called the Procyon Lotor. These colonies are found throughout Canada and the United States. Their appearance is what most people would consider the typical raccoon stereotype. They have a black mask-like stripe across their eyes and a striped bushy tail.  Their coat can vary in color, from tones of gray to dark browns. 

Adults weight an average of 25 to 30 pounds, and grow to a height of 30 to 36 inches.  They have black beady eyes, long claws, and dexterous paws. They are excellent climbers that partake in a diet of fruits, berries, small invertebrates, and insects. This species is nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and stay active at night. For shelter, raccoons use hollow trees, dens, attics, and any other small available spaces they can find. This is why they can be considered a nuisance in residential and commercial neighborhoods.

Central and South America

There is a raccoon known in the central and south Americas called the Crab Eating Raccoon, or scientifically, Procyon Cancrivorus. It lives in marshes and jungles all throughout the region. They are recognized by their salt and pepper looking coats, speckled with hues of brown and gray . They usually eat aquatic insects, crabs, crayfish, and small fish; hence the name Crab Eating Raccoon.

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Crab-Eating Raccoon – Procyon Cancrivorus

Another interesting species of raccoon is the Guadeloupe Raccoon.  These raccoon colonies are found in small numbers throughout the island of Guadeloupe in the Lesser Antilles.  They are smaller than the average raccoon, with dark grey fur.  They are an endangered species, and only found on this island.  They live in the rain forests and often hunted by humans as food.  Their diet consists of frogs, acorns, berries, crayfish, and other small invertebrates.

Raccoons are fascinating and intelligent animals to admire; however, if they are invading your property or home, it may be time to call a raccoon removal specialist.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal You Can Trust

Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured nuisance wildlife removal contractors who offer a wide range of 24 hour raccoon removal and control services, including raccoon cleanup, raccoon proofing, minor restorations for raccoon damages, and more. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate or emergency service, today.

Common Raccoon Species in North America

Anyone can tell a raccoon from a frog or bear or rabbit; but what about identifying the distinctions between a Ring-Tailed Raccoon and a Procyon Lotor? The truth is that there are several different species of raccoon in America. It is fun learning the different and distinguishing qualities of each class and kind. Continue reading to learn about a few common raccoon species found in North America; including the ones we have just mentioned!

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Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

The Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor)

Procyon Lotor is the scientific name for the common raccoon. Other appellations include Northern Raccoon, North American Raccoon, Common Raccoon; and colloquially as “coon”. They are a medium-sized mammal mostly recognizable by the black mask-like stripe across their eyes and face. This characteristic is mostly associated with the common raccoon. Although other species of raccoon have this similar feature, it is mostly identified with the typical raccoon species one would expect to find in North America.

Other characteristics of the Procyon Lotor include a striped tail, a body weight anywhere from eight to twenty pounds, an omnivorous diet, and agile front paws. They are intelligent critters that usually live in forested or deciduous habitats; however, due to over-construction and land developments, raccoons are calling residential and commercial neighborhoods their homes these days. This reputation has given this species of raccoon a label as a nuisance.

White-Nosed Coati Raccoon

White-Nosed Coati

White-Nosed Coati

The White-Nosed Coati species of raccoon is quite interesting. They appear much different than the common Procyon Lotor, and typically reside in moister forests and wooded areas. Due to this preference of habitat, White-Nosed Coatis are primarily found in Arizona and New Mexico; in the Americas. They have relative species in Costa Rica, Columbia, Mexico, and Cozumel as well. They are smaller in size to the common raccoon by as much as ten pounds. Their faces are marked with white fur on their nose at the tip of a very long snout. Their fur is less dense and shorter than a common North American raccoon. Although quite different from the common “coon”, White-Nosed Coatis share the same diet habits because they are also omnivores. They eat eggs, small vertebrates, insects, fruit, and more; just as the Procyon Lotor.

Ring-Tailed Raccoon

The Ring-Tailed Raccoon is actually called the Ring-Tailed Cat even though it is not a cat at all. This species of raccoon slightly resembles the common raccoon, however, there are still several differences. For example, the Ring-Tailed Raccoon is much smaller, weighing on average between one to four pounds. Ring Tails have long bushy tails, longer than their own bodies, with black and white stripes; but their fur is short like a cat’s coat.

Also called ringtail cats, marv cats, or miners cats, Ring-Tailed Raccoons are commonly found living in Colorado, California, Kansas, Nevada, Oregon, and even New Mexico with their cousin the Coati. They are also omnivores just like the other raccoon species we’ve mentioned, but they are also one of the most carnivorous species of raccoon in the world. They eat small birds, frogs, snakes, rats, mice, and even rabbits! This is an amazing feat considering their size. Ringtail ‘coons are also nocturnal, just like all other raccoon species in North America.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured nuisance wildlife removal contractors who offer a wide range of raccoon removal and control services, including raccoon cleanup, raccoon proofing, minor restorations for raccoon damages, and more. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate or emergency service, today.