If raccoons are your problem, why not try this homemade repellent? Not only is it all natural and safe for the environment, but it is also cheap and easy to make, and best of all, non-lethal to wildlife. Continue reading to learn how to prepare and use this garlic oil repellent, and what you can do if it doesn’t seem to get rid of your raccoon problem.

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Repellent for Raccoons
Raccoons do not like certain smells and tastes. If you use these scent and taste aversions to your advantage, you can possibly stop raccoon activity on your property. It is a good thing raccoons have great memories. Because once they get a whiff of this repellent, they will not come back to your house again! Take a look below to see what you need, how to administer the solution, and which follow up steps you need to take.
What You Need to Make Raccoon Repellent:
☐ Garlic Cloves (3 oz. minced)
☐ Ground Cayenne Pepper
☐ Mineral Oil
☐ Plastic Spray Bottle
☐ Glass Container w/Lid
☐ Clean Water
☐ Protective Gloves
☐ Protective Eye Gear
How to Get Started
Once you gather all of your supplies, you can begin to mince your garlic cloves. You will need at least 3 ounces of minced garlic, and 8 or 9 cloves should get you there. If you have minced garlic from a jar, feel free to use it, but fresh is more pungent and tends to work better.
Next, add the minced garlic and 2 tablespoons of mineral oil to a glass container. Seal the container and let it sit for 24 hours. This will drastically increase the level of pungency, which is exactly what you want!
After your 24-hour turn around, transfer 2 tablespoons of the garlic mixture into a plastic spray bottle. Then add in 16 ounces of water and 1 tablespoon of ground cayenne pepper and shake it well.
Last, put on your protective gear and get ready to administer the solution.
You want to create a perimeter around your yard, plus apply extra solution in areas where you notice the most raccoon activity. Be sure to avoid common areas where you and your pets hang out since the pepper can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.
Have you tried everything but still dealing with nuisance raccoons? Contact us at 317-535-4605 to get your free estimate for humane raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout the central parts of the state.
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