Why You Do Not Want to Make a Raccoon Your Pet

If you find a baby raccoon, do not attempt to make a rescue and bring it home as a pet. Instead, the wisest choice you can make is to walk away and let nature take its course. No matter how cute or helpless the pup may appear to be, they are not accustomed to human interaction, and will grow up to exhibit feral behaviors that are dangerous to people and pets. You see, it took tens of thousands of years to accomplish the healthy domestication we have with cats and dogs today. But raccoons are meant to be in the wild and remain undomesticated. Even if you are looking to buy a pet raccoon from a raccoon breeder, you might want to reconsider. Wild or not, raccoons are a massive undertaking and commitment on the part of the owner.

Continue reading to learn the exact reasons why wild raccoon domestication is a bad idea for anyone to attempt.

I might be cute now, but I will grow up to be a BIG PROBLEM.

Massive Amounts of Mess and Destruction

Raccoons are bred to roam free and explore their surroundings because they are extremely curious and intelligent creatures. A raccoon, at a certain age, begins to explore their curiosity even more, making their behavior severely destructive. If a person were to take in a wild raccoon, their home would be subjected to this destructive behavior and play time.

They are incredible climbers with very dexterous paws; this means they can climb counters and railings, as well as open doors, cabinets, and more. A domestic living situation is simply not ideal for raccoons and their natural needs and instincts. On the other end of things, a person could not possibly be able to care for a wild animal of this nature in a healthy and proper way.  Altogether, raccoons in the house are a bad idea.

Health and Safety Risks of Pet Raccoons

Aside from property damage and lack of living space, there is another equally agreeable reason why wild raccoons should never be domesticated; the reason is human health and well-being. Raccoons are known carriers of many viral diseases that can be easily spread to adults, children, and other household pets. These viral illnesses include distemper, rabies, hepatitis, and more.

Along with the risk of contracting a viral disease through saliva and blood, there are more ways raccoons can implicate a persons’ health. Raccoon scat is raccoon droppings. These droppings are major carriers of sicknesses like roundworm that can be spread easily as well. There are many ways raccoons can make people sick; another reason why they should never be taken into a home.

Local and State Laws Governing Wildlife Domestication

Another serious reason why people should never try to domesticate a raccoon involves the law. In many states, owning a raccoon is simply against the law. If caught, a person can be liable for large fines, court hearings, and potential loss of pet ownership rights. In other states, a person can own such an animal if they apply and are approved for specific permits and licenses for wild animal ownership. The nest way to know what your state laws are on wild animal domestication is to avoid it altogether.

Central Indiana Raccoon Removal Services You Can Trust

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal services you can trust. We are DNR licensed and experienced raccoon control specialists who only use safe and humane methods to exclude and extract raccoons. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, raccoon cleanup and restoration, inspections, and raccoon-proofing. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate, today.

Is it Against the Law to Keep a Pet Raccoon in Indiana?

The common domestic pets we are accustomed to seeing in a person’s house are typically dogs, cats, small breed reptiles, maybe a few hamsters here and there, or some goldfish. On the other hand, there are people in this world who like to step outside of the box by adopting an exotic pet in place of the stereotypical four-legged furry friend. This choice and alternative to pet ownership is perfectly fine, depending on the state you live in. Before you decide to adopt a pet raccoon as an Indiana resident, it is important to first learn the specific state laws and regulations surrounding exotic pet ownership.

Continue below to review the facts you need to know about pet raccoons in Indiana.

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indiana Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

State Regulations for Pet Raccoons

For many states, the short answer to the question, “Is it illegal to own a pet raccoon?” is “no.” However, in these states where exotic pet ownership of raccoons is permitted, there are usually several prerequisites and requirements that one must meet in order to adopt a pet raccoon. Common rules include obtaining specific documentation and licensing, such as a legal permit and state approval, as well as, pay annual fees.

Additionally, a state’s wildlife possession laws vary depending on the intended use of the animal. The state wants to know if a person intends to use the animal for commercial use or non-commercial use. This means, “Are you going to sell the raccoon, breed the raccoon and sell the kits, or keep it as a pet?” Different permits are required and assigned for the different intended uses of a raccoon. And these uses must be revealed and verified before permits are approved.

Furbearing Mammal Possession Laws

If a person’s intentions are merely non-commercial, they will need a Furbearing Mammal Breeder/Possession Permit. There are two classes for this permit: Class A, and Class B. For those who wish to keep protected wildlife for non-commercial use, they will need a Class A permit. For those who intend to use protected animals for commercial purposes, they will need a Class B permit. The fee for a Class A permit is only $10, and then $25 annually. Again, it is only intended for those who keep a raccoon solely as a pet. Class B permits are $20 and $25 annually. Class B allows a person to breed and sell protected wildlife. Keep in mind these are just averages, and fees vary from county to county and among individual states.

Another stipulation to Furbearing Mammal Possession Laws is that a person must purchase or obtain a pet raccoon from a licensed breeder only. They must file and receive their legal permit before purchasing or adopting a pet raccoon. People are not allowed to catch, trap, or take a wild raccoon from nature and keep it as a pet. They will not be approved for any exotic animal possession permits. It is strictly forbidden. A person must adopt a raccoon from a licensed raccoon breeder; and they must file and receive a legal permit before doing so. If these rules are not followed, then the law is being broken.

If You Find a Baby Raccoon

If you find an injured or baby raccoon in your yard, never attempt to touch it or pick it up. Unfortunately, wild animals such as raccoons can carry diseases that can be harmful to you and your pets. You never know what raccoon can be aggressive, scared, and potentially attack. One bite can pass on various contagious illnesses and diseases. If you ever find or have raccoons in your yard, immediately call a professional Indianapolis raccoon removal company.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control You Can Trust

Call 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists that offer a wide range of affordable animal removal services for commercial and residential properties. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Is Domesticating a Baby Raccoon a Bad Idea?

A baby raccoon is called a kit. They are small, cute, and furry, but this does not mean they are meant for domestication. A kit is still a wild animal. Although domestication may seem easy because they are so young, raccoons are not the same as dogs and cats, which took thousands of years to achieve healthy domestication with. It is not in their genes to be trained and sheltered.

If you still decide to domesticate a baby raccoon, be sure to consult a raccoon professional and learn the proper way to care for a wild raccoon and what to expect as they grow older and more agile. Otherwise, read on to learn more about the disadvantages of domesticating a raccoon kit.

Destruction of Property

Raccoons are interesting because they are such motivated and curious creatures. This can lead to trouble. At a certain age, raccoons begin to explore their curious urges. Raccoons like to dig, and in a house, a sofa or mattress would make the perfect burrowing spot. They are skilled climbers and have very dexterous paws, giving them the ability to open cabinets, drawers, refrigerators, and more. They can find things and hide them, or burry them in another hole they’ve dug. Raccoons must be un-caged to live healthy lives, and must be able to roam free. This means a raccoon would need constant supervision to prevent these situations from happening.

Health Consequences

Raccoons are carriers of many diseases commonly found in wild animals. Illnesses such as rabies, distemper, canine hepatitis, and round worm can be spread to other pets and even humans living among the raccoon. Raccoons also have very dense fur which can be a huge allergy catalyst for anyone who suffers from sinus and allergy issues or asthma.

The Law

The first thing to really consider when in adopting a baby raccoon is the law. In most states, it is illegal to own a raccoon. If caught, a person can lose their pet ownership rights altogether, and be subjected to many hefty fines. In other states, it is legal to own a raccoon, but this type of pet ownership requires an exotic pet license. You will have to look up your local city council ordinances to find out about these laws.

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis

Call Raccoon Removal Indianapolis at 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon control and rescue services. We are DNR licensed raccoon control contractors with decades of experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. We offer a wide range of raccoon control services, including raccoon removal, raccoon-proofing, raccoon cleanup, minor attic restorations, and more. Call us today at 317-535-4605 to get rid of raccoons in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.