The Fascinating Agility of the Common Raccoon

The Common Raccoon is a fascinating mammal to learn about all around, but their quickness and dexterity are especially intriguing. Wild raccoons have human-like paws that allows them to grasp, pull, push, and pry just like our hands! On top of dexterous paws and sharp claws, raccoons are highly intelligent creatures that can remember, solve problems, and plan better than most other forest animals.

These attributes and more contribute to a raccoon’s agility and allows them to be better predators, breeders, and gatherers, and to better protect themselves and their young from harm. Continue reading to learn about raccoon agility, and what they are physically capable of in the wild.

Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons are highly agile mammals, capable of running, climbing, and even swimming, starting at a young age. As early as a few months old, raccoon babies, called “kits” or “pups”, are learning all of these abilities and more from their mother. Soon after, they are ready to be out on their own, climbing and swimming and running and hunting with the rest of the pack!

Raccoons are fairly fast runners for a medium-sized forest mammal. They can achieve short distance running sprint speeds of ten to fifteen miles per hour. That’s faster than some overweight house cats! And because raccoon’s hind legs are longer than their front, they appear hunched whether walking or running.

Running is not the raccoon’s most impressive ability. Truth be told, they are excellent climbers. Raccoons use trees for protection when raising their young, to hide from grounded predators, and to dine on all the wonderful yields a tree has to offer (i.e. acorns, fruits, nuts, etc.). Raccoons can climb trees as high as 50 feet or more, with really no limit in height, only in desire!

Aside from running and swimming, raccoons are good swimmers too. Yes they can swim, and at a very young age (as young as 7 weeks old)! Not only can raccoons swim, they can remain in water for several hours, but not underwater of course. Raccoons are warm-blooded mammals that need oxygen to breathe!

If you have a raccoon problem on your property, call a professional wildlife rescue and control company for safe and humane raccoon removal services. Raccoons are known to climb roofs, access homes, get into swimming pools, and cause an endless potential for mess and structural damage.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for safe and humane, non-lethal raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and experienced wildlife removal contractors that provide residential and commercial wildlife control services at the most competitive prices in town. We will get rid of raccoons at a fair and honest price, and with a level of professionalism that will leave you satisfied. Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can count on!

Is Domesticating a Baby Raccoon a Bad Idea?

A baby raccoon is called a kit. They are small, cute, and furry, but this does not mean they are meant for domestication. A kit is still a wild animal. Although domestication may seem easy because they are so young, raccoons are not the same as dogs and cats, which took thousands of years to achieve healthy domestication with. It is not in their genes to be trained and sheltered.

If you still decide to domesticate a baby raccoon, be sure to consult a raccoon professional and learn the proper way to care for a wild raccoon and what to expect as they grow older and more agile. Otherwise, read on to learn more about the disadvantages of domesticating a raccoon kit.

Destruction of Property

Raccoons are interesting because they are such motivated and curious creatures. This can lead to trouble. At a certain age, raccoons begin to explore their curious urges. Raccoons like to dig, and in a house, a sofa or mattress would make the perfect burrowing spot. They are skilled climbers and have very dexterous paws, giving them the ability to open cabinets, drawers, refrigerators, and more. They can find things and hide them, or burry them in another hole they’ve dug. Raccoons must be un-caged to live healthy lives, and must be able to roam free. This means a raccoon would need constant supervision to prevent these situations from happening.

Health Consequences

Raccoons are carriers of many diseases commonly found in wild animals. Illnesses such as rabies, distemper, canine hepatitis, and round worm can be spread to other pets and even humans living among the raccoon. Raccoons also have very dense fur which can be a huge allergy catalyst for anyone who suffers from sinus and allergy issues or asthma.

The Law

The first thing to really consider when in adopting a baby raccoon is the law. In most states, it is illegal to own a raccoon. If caught, a person can lose their pet ownership rights altogether, and be subjected to many hefty fines. In other states, it is legal to own a raccoon, but this type of pet ownership requires an exotic pet license. You will have to look up your local city council ordinances to find out about these laws.

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis

Call Raccoon Removal Indianapolis at 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon control and rescue services. We are DNR licensed raccoon control contractors with decades of experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. We offer a wide range of raccoon control services, including raccoon removal, raccoon-proofing, raccoon cleanup, minor attic restorations, and more. Call us today at 317-535-4605 to get rid of raccoons in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.

Raccoon Removal Information

Do you suspect you may have raccoons living outside, or worse, inside your home? Then continue reading for information about raccoon removal services and what to do if you find raccoons inside your house.

Proper Raccoon Control

Raccoons are not highly dangerous animals, and will not attack or even approach a human for any reason, unless provoked. If you have discovered a raccoon colony in your home attic or crawl space, do not panic. Raccoons will remain right where you left them, and will not try and come into the high traffic areas of the house. This means, you can relax and take proper action to remedy the situation.

If you have a raccoon infestation problem, the first thing you need to do is acquire relative information about raccoons and raccoon control. Search the internet and look for resources about raccoon infestation and behavior. The best advice is to call a licensed raccoon removal company to handle the situation professionally. They are formally trained and experienced to safely and humanely capture and release raccoons, as well as, repair and restore areas damaged by raccoons.

Once you have chosen a licensed and qualified raccoon control company in your area, then you are ready to let them get rid of raccoons in your home. Feel comfortable asking as many questions as possible about the company’s methods, equipment, history, licenses, and products used. This is important so that you are entirely aware of what to expect from the raccoon control technicians. Also, a reputable animal removal company should be able to provide free written estimates for all their services. Ask for an estimate for the total cost before committing to anything.

Professional Raccoon Removal

For more information about raccoon removal in Indianapolis, IN call our professional raccoon control technicians today! We are DNR licensed and insured, with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We are a reputable company and members of the BBB. We are happy to provide free estimates, DIY advice, and more. Call us today at 317-535-4605 for details about our Indianapolis IN raccoon removal services and more!

Interesting Raccoon Facts

Raccoons have a bad rep when it comes to residential communities and neighborhoods.  It’s well-known that raccoons in these areas have become a nuisance as a result of their uncontrollable curiosity and acute intelligence.  These raccoons are pest and should be safely and professionally controlled by a licensed and reputable company.  On the other hand, raccoons in the wild are an interesting breed and their fun and fascinating qualities are often times over looked due to their destructive and obtrusive behavior in and around our homes.  Read on to get a different look at raccoons and how they live in nature when they’re not stealing our garbage.

Raccoons live in homes called dens.  In these dens, mother raccoons breed and care for their young.  A raccoon den is usually made from a hole in a tree, a hollow log, or an abandoned animal burrow.  You see, raccoons rarely dig their own burrows; they prefer to re-use another animals’ home.  Raccoons also use these dens to hibernate through the colder seasons.

That’s right, raccoons hibernate.  In the colder months out of the year, raccoons will stow away in their war dark dens and sleep through the majority of the season.  Raccoons do hibernate, but their hibernation period is different from other well-known hibernating animals, such as bears.  Raccoons will only hibernate for a period of weeks, rather than the entire season.  Before hibernating, they will work hard to store fat and calories to sustain their bodies during their sleep.

Another great fact that many people neglect to consider, is the fact that raccoons have predators.  It seems odd that there are animals that like the taste of raccoon, but why should it when we often eat raccoon too!  Larger mammals like coyotes, mountain lions, cougars, and even domestic dogs will prey on raccoons.  They can be preyed upon just as much as other hunted animals in the wild.  To a carnivore, meat is meat.

For more information about raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana, give us a call at 317-535-4605 today.  We are a professional raccoon control company that safely and humanely removes raccoons from residential and commercial properties all across Indy.  We are happy to provide free estimates, advice, and tips on raccoon removal in Indianapolis, IN anytime!