What Does Raccoon Removal Service Include?

When raccoons become a threat to your property, it is time to contact a licensed raccoon removal company. They are the only solutions for prompt, safe, and humane raccoon control. These companies are owned or employ state licensed and industry-trained professionals with extensive experience removing raccoons. They retain the latest technologies and proper equipment to safely and humanely extract raccoons and provide related services. If a company does not practice these methods and retain these qualities, continue looking for a reputable company.

There are several services offered by these companies. The services are usually ale carte, and priced separately. Depending on the extent of damage, infestation, and degree of difficulty, the price for an Indianapolis Raccoon Removal Company’s’ services will fluctuate. Common raccoon removal services offered for residential or commercial properties include:

Raccoon Removal

When raccoons are inside a home or building, a licensed contractor that specializes in removing raccoons can extract them, quickly. They should, and usually do, only use safe and humane methods to capture and release raccoons to a faraway habitat. They are specially licensed by the state to provide animal removal services such as these; it is illegal for anyone else to attempt these kinds of jobs. Removing raccoons from attics, crawl spaces, garages, porches, sheds, pool decks, and more all require comprehensive strategies and extensive training.

Raccoon Control

When raccoons are not inside your home of office, but outside causing problems instead, you need raccoon control. This is another service offered through professional raccoon removal services. This includes thwarting raccoons from loitering, visiting, damaging the exterior, damaging the landscaping, and more. It is highly recommended to opt for raccoon prevention services if you need raccoon control or removal. Professionals can implement certain strategies that keep raccoons from returning to your property.

Raccoon Damages

When raccoons damage the exterior or interior of a home, some raccoon control companies can provde solutions. They are proficient and capable of providing minor attic and crawl space restorations for damages caused by wild raccoons. These services include attic insulation replacement, urine and feces removal, sanitizing, patch work, hole repair, and more.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal

Call Indiana Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon control services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and insured raccoon removal contractors with more than two decades of experience removing nuisance raccoons. We offer a wide range of services; from raccoon removal and control, to raccoon cleanup, prevention, and more. Call 317-535-4605 for fast and reputable raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, IN and its nearby locations.

Why Do I Have Raccoons on My Property?

There are countless reasons why wild animals choose to roam our city streets and suburbs. It’s pretty obvious that raccoons, just like most wild animals, are in constant search of food, shelter, and obscurity. They simple want to find a quick and easy meal, and a safe place to rest their heads for the day, or night in some cases. But what does it take to attract raccoons and other wildlife to your particular property all the time? Why does it seem as though raccoons are suddenly choosing your lot from all the other neighbor’s houses and properties? The answer is simple; you!

Raccoon Infestations

When raccoons are all of a sudden a frequent visitor to your lawn or gardens, then it is time to stop asking why and start looking in the mirror! This is because the majority of home and business owners have only themselves to blame for wild animal infestations. Fortunately, there are various tips and tricks to prevent wildlife and raccoons from trespassing onto your property and destroying your home and landscaping. Here are the most common reasons for raccoon invasion issues in rural and city areas:

Trash Cans

When people take their garbage out before trash day, it is like setting up and all-you-can-eat buffet for wildlife. Scraps of our food are like gold and rubies for raccoons. And raccoons are an intelligent species and will remember where easy meals can be found. This is why they return night after night and rummage through your trash. They know they are likely to find a meal just as they have the nights before. To refute this problem, be sure to take the trash out the day of garbage pickup. Raccoons are nocturnal and are not likely to pursue your leftovers during the day. Once they realize your property is not an abundant food source, they will stop visiting and move on to other properties.

Pet Food

The same idea is regarded for pet food. Many homeowners like to leave dog or cat food bowls outside for their pets. The problem is that pet food is the ideal nutrition plan for raccoons. Not only is it extremely nutritious, it is very tasty for them! They will be eager to come back as often as possible for more dog and cat food. The best way to stop feeding the neighborhood raccoons is to stop feeding your pets outside. Move all pet food indoors. This includes bags of food in outdoor sheds, garages, and storage units.

Squirrel Feeders

Another reason raccoons might be trespassing onto your property is to eat squirrel and bird food. Raccoons cannot survive on this type of animal feed alone but it is certainly a tasty treat for them. These feeders are typically easy for them to access; as they are agile climbers and retain dexterous paws for grasping. The unfortunate part to this other than the frequent trespassing, it that climbing roofs and trees can cause significant property damages. Also, roof-climbing can allow raccoons to find alternative access points into a home via loose roof shingles and more.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal

Call Indianapolis Raccoon Removal 317-535-4605 for superior and affordable raccoon control services in Indiana. We are highly trained and DNR licensed animal removal technicians that only use safe and humane methods of animal extraction and relocation. Indianapolis Raccoon Removal offers a wide range of additional services; such as attic restoration and repair, raccoon cleanup, raccoon-prevention, discounts, specials, and more! Call us today at 317-535-4605 for a free estimate regarding raccoon removal in Indianapolis, IN or its surrounding counties.

Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Depending on the situation, raccoons can be dangerous even though they rarely pose a risk to humans. If you ask the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only one human in the United States has ever died from a raccoon and that raccoon had rabies. Rabies can be found in any warm blooded animal; however, in the United States, the most common carriers of rabies are raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes.

How to Tell if a Raccoon is Rabid?

Most importantly, please be safe and not be sorry. The information giving is not a full proof plan that guarantees that the animal does or does not have rabies. These are only suggestions on what to look for. The only way to tell, with 100% accuracy, is to get the animal tested by a professional.

Here are 6 Signs an Animal May have Rabies:

1) Walking uncontrollably, or looking funny while walking; such as staggering around, etc.
2) Oblivious to their surroundings and ignoring activities normal raccoons would be aware of; such as a car coming, etc.
3) Discharge or foaming of the mouth
4) Hair around the face is wet or looks like it has been wet in the past
5) May make crazy noises that make high pitch sounds
6) Hurting itself by picking or biting itself

If you see a raccoon or any other type of animal that may have these signs of rabies, please call the Raccoon Removal Specialist in Indianapolis at 317-535-4605 right away.

Rabies is not the only thing that may be dangerous. Raccoons are known to carry infectious diseases that humans are susceptible to. A disease such as Baylisacaris, also known and roundworm, can be found in raccoon poop (feces). This disease not only has the potential to infect humans, they also can infect pets such as dogs and cats. Be sure to keep raccoons out of your house, attic, and crawl spaces. Once they get into your house, these guys or gals are not potty trained. They can destroy the inside of your home within a matter of hours. Another disease known to be carried by raccoons is called Leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can be carried through the urine of a raccoon. So if a human or pet were to come in contact with a raccoons urine, he or she may be contaminated. So please avoid touching the urine of a raccoon or any other type of wild animal.

If you suspect a raccoon has entered your house or attic, please contact a wildlife animal removal company as soon as possible. Please be weary of, not only the inside of your house, but also the outside. If you are aware of an area around your home that you suspect raccoons of using the bathroom, you may want to give us a call to help. We not only remove raccoons from the house, we are also experienced at keeping raccoons away from your whole property; not just your home.

The last thing to be worried about when seeing a raccoon is that fact that it may bite. This type of aggression toward other animals and especially humans is highly unusual. Usually when a raccoon bites a human or pet, they feel threatened or their young are nearby. If you don’t corner the raccoon and you leave it alone, the majority of times it will leave you alone as well. However, as mentioned before, if you see uncharacteristic behavior, please be weary of some of the dangers mentioned above. Or to be safe, don’t wait tell you see signs, call an animal removal company to relocate the raccoon as soon as possible.