How to Make a Non-Toxic Raccoon Repellent

Raccoons are incredibly smart and resourceful creatures. While we can admire their adaptability from afar, their tendency to raid garbage cans, damage property, and potentially spread diseases makes them a nuisance when they encroach upon human living spaces. Many repellents on the market use toxic chemicals that can harm not just raccoons, but also your pets and local environment. This guide will help you make your own non-toxic raccoon repellent that is safe to use in your garden and home.

Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Repellent Services in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-535-4605 For Raccoon Repellent Services in Indianapolis Indiana

Introduction to Raccoon Repellents

Using non-toxic repellents is not only safer for the environment and local wildlife, but it also reduces the risk of your pets or family members coming into contact with harmful substances. Non-toxic repellents can be just as effective as their chemical-laden counterparts, and oftentimes, they are as easy to make as a simple DIY project.

Materials Needed

Creating your non-toxic raccoon repellent can be a fun and interesting activity. You’ll find what you need below.


◻ White vinegar
◻ Ground black pepper
◻ A few drops of dish soap
◻ 1 to 2 garlic bulbs
◻ 1 to 2 small onions
◻ Cayenne pepper or a hot sauce
◻ Water


◻ Blender
◻ Spray bottle
◻ Strainer
◻ Protective gloves
◻ Airtight container for storage
◻ Notepad for tracking your recipe’s effectiveness

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Mixing the Ingredients

⇒ Peel and roughly chop the onions and garlic.

⇒ Fill the blender with water and add the chopped onions and garlic. Blend until you have a smooth, pulpy mixture.

⇒ Strain this mixture into your spray bottle, discarding the solids.

⇒ Add 1-2 tablespoons of ground black pepper, a few drops of dish soap, and a splash of hot sauce or cayenne pepper for an extra kick to the spray bottle. These ingredients will serve as irritants to raccoons but won’t cause any harm.

⇒ Finally, fill the spray bottle up with white vinegar.

Step 2: Application Methods

Spray the mixture on and around the areas that raccoons are known to visit. Make sure to reapply after rain or every 3-5 days for the best results. It’s particularly effective to spray the solution on your garbage cans, around your garden, or near pet feeding areas.

Step 3: Frequency of Application

Raccoons have a keen sense of smell, and they can also become accustomed to the scents over time, so it’s best to apply the repellent regularly, even if there is no visible sign of raccoon activity.

Step 4: Storage Tips

Remember that the strength and efficacy of your repellent might reduce over time. Store the mixture in a cool, dark place, and always shake well before use, especially if it’s been sitting on the shelf for a period.

Safety Precautions

The ingredients and their combinations should be safe for most applications but handling them with care is important.

⇒ Always wear protective gloves when cutting or handling spicy ingredients.

⇒ Any mixture that includes pepper and spices should be kept away from eyes and sensitive skin.

⇒ While the contents are non-toxic, they are meant to be a slight irritant. Keep the solution out of reach of children and pets and ensure treated areas in the garden are clearly marked.

Alternative Repellent Options

If creating a repellent isn’t your preferred method, there are other non-toxic options you can explore:

⇒ Install motion-activated sprinklers or lights to startle raccoons away.

⇒ Secure your trash cans with tight-fitting lids or bungee cords.

⇒ Use physical barriers, such as fences, to protect your garden and home.

⇒ Keep pet food indoors and consider feeding pets during the day.

⇒ Hiring a professional raccoon control service is another option. They can provide a variety of non-lethal deterrents and manage the removal of raccoons from your property humanely.


By choosing non-toxic raccoon repellents, you’re not only protecting the environment but also ensuring the safety of your family and pets. The DIY repellent shared in this guide is a safe and effective way to control raccoons on your property. Remember to be consistent in your application, stay observant of how raccoons react, and enjoy a raccoon-free zone without the use of harmful chemicals.

Do you want to safely remove raccoons and prevent future animal problems on your property? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home
Top 10 Tips for Effective Raccoon Removal: Keep Your Property Safe
How Raccoon-Proof Do You Think Your House Is?

Non-Lethal Raccoon Repellents You Can Make at Home

When it comes to keeping raccoons off your property, it is common to feel like the chore is one big headache that won’t seem to go away. That is because raccoons are not like other nuisance wildlife; they are intelligent and have an excellent memory. If they know your property is a guaranteed source of food, water, or shelter, they will continue to return, night after night, until you make them stop. And the best way to make raccoons stop trespassing onto your property is to make them change their mind about visiting altogether. That means making your yard unappealing to raccoons.

For instance, keep your trashcans inside or locked up until trash day, remove outdoor pet dishes and bird baths, and seal up exterior areas of your home to prevent raccoons from entering your attics, crawl spaces, and more. But if your raccoon problem isn’t too serious, and they’ve only just begun to appear, you can start with a simple and safe raccoon repellent. And the best part is, you can make it from scratch right at home! Continue reading to learn how to make an easy, non-lethal, homemade raccoon repellent to keep raccoons at bay.

Unappealing Smells

As omnivores like us, raccoons will eat almost anything. But there are a few smells and spices that raccoons strongly dislike. And they will avoid them at all costs. Lining the perimeter of your property, patio, and driveway with a combination of these smells and spices will provide a barrier to which they won’t cross.

Here is a list of smells and ingredients that raccoons hate:

➾ Peppermint
➾ Black Pepper
➾ Onion
➾ Cayenne Pepper
➾ Cinnamon
➾ Mint Leaves
➾ Ammonia
➾ Menthol
➾ Clove

Instructions for Use

As for ammonia, you can soak cotton balls and place them strategically around areas of your property to keep raccoons away. Be sure to supervise pets around areas where you have ammonia-soaked cotton balls to prevent accidental ingestion. When it comes to the rest of the ingredients, you can use them singularly, or mix them together with water and pour the solution into a water bottle. Then simply spray the solution around the perimeter of your property!

Indianapolis Raccoon Control

Call 317-535-4605 for non-lethal raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana. As DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue specialists, you can trust us for affordable and safe raccoon extraction and exclusion. We offer residential and commercial assistance, including raccoon proofing, cleanup, and even minor restorations for raccoon damages. To request a free estimate for Indianapolis raccoon control, call 317-535-4605 and speak with a friendly office attendant today.