What Do I Do If I Find a Baby Raccoon?

If you’ve ever seen a baby raccoon, you know how adorable they are. But what should you do if you find one in the wild? Or your own backyard for that matter? Well, don’t worry – the pros at Indiana Raccoon Removal are here to help!

In this post, we’ll tell you what to do if you find a baby raccoon in Indianapolis, plus how to get in touch with one of our licensed and insured wildlife rehabilitators for emergency raccoon removal and control. Keep reading for more information.

Call 317-535-4605 to Speak With a Licensed Indianapolis Raccoon Trapper!
Call 317-535-4605 to Speak With a Licensed Indianapolis Raccoon Trapper!

Why is the Baby Raccoon Alone?

Baby raccoons are undisputed as one of the cutest little creatures out there. With big eyes and soft fur, it can be near impossible not to melt at the sight of one. And while they may look helpless, these babies are actually quite independent. Mother raccoons will often leave their babies alone for long periods of time as they go off to find food. But sometimes, baby raccoons get separated from their mothers and end up lost or stranded. This can be a dangerous situation for the little ones since they’re not yet able to take care of themselves.

Luckily, there are people out there who are willing to help these baby raccoons find their way back home. Wildlife rehabilitators like Indiana Raccoon Removal work tirelessly to reunite these babies with their mothers, and they rely on the public’s help to do so. If you see a baby raccoon that needs assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help!

3 Steps to Take After Finding an Orphaned Raccoon Pup:

1. If you find a baby raccoon, don’t touch it. Don’t touch a baby raccoon if you find one. Wild animals can carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. Some species of raccoons also have a history of being aggressive, so it’s best to leave them alone.

2. Call a wildlife rehabilitator. If you find a baby raccoon, the best thing to do is to call a wildlife rehabilitator. They are specially trained to handle, relocate, and even abate woodland wildlife like these animals. So, they will know how to best help the raccoon. Please do not try to care for the raccoon yourself, as it is illegal in Indiana, plus you could put the animal in danger.

3. Provide the rehabilitator with as much information about the raccoon as possible. After finding a baby raccoon, contact a wildlife rehabilitator. Then provide the rehabilitator with as much information about the raccoon as possible. This includes where you found it, any injuries or illness you noticed and the age of the raccoon. If possible, have a photo of the animal ready for the rehabilitator to assist with identification.

Wildlife Control Tips for Raccoons

Raccoons can be a real nuisance around your property. They can cause a lot of damage, and they can be dangerous. If you have spotted raccoons around property, it is important to take steps to control them. There are a few things you can do to deter raccoons, and there are also a few things you can do to get rid of them if they become a problem.

One of the best ways to deter raccoons is to make sure your property is properly sealed up. Raccoons are very good at finding ways into buildings and homes, so make sure all your doors and windows are properly sealed. You can also install a fence around your property to keep raccoons out.

If raccoons have already started causing problems on your property, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. One thing you can do is set up traps and catch them that way. You can also use deterrents like ammonia or pepper spray to scare them away. Finally, if the raccoons are becoming too much of a problem, you may need to contact an Indianapolis pest control service for professional coon removal.

Raccoon control is important if you have spotted them around your property. Taking steps to deter them and get rid of them can help keep your property safe from damage and potential danger. Don’t hesitate to take action if you have a raccoon problem! Indiana Raccoon Removal offers raccoon removal and control services in Indianapolis to help protect your home or business from these pesky critters. Contact us at 317-535-4605 for a free quote, today!

Related Posts:

3 Reasons a Raccoon is Dangerous to People and Pets
Communicable Diseases That Can Be Carried By Raccoons
Why Raccoons Are Attracted to Your Property Each Night

Is Domesticating a Baby Raccoon a Bad Idea?

A baby raccoon is called a kit. They are small, cute, and furry, but this does not mean they are meant for domestication. A kit is still a wild animal. Although domestication may seem easy because they are so young, raccoons are not the same as dogs and cats, which took thousands of years to achieve healthy domestication with. It is not in their genes to be trained and sheltered.

If you still decide to domesticate a baby raccoon, be sure to consult a raccoon professional and learn the proper way to care for a wild raccoon and what to expect as they grow older and more agile. Otherwise, read on to learn more about the disadvantages of domesticating a raccoon kit.

Destruction of Property

Raccoons are interesting because they are such motivated and curious creatures. This can lead to trouble. At a certain age, raccoons begin to explore their curious urges. Raccoons like to dig, and in a house, a sofa or mattress would make the perfect burrowing spot. They are skilled climbers and have very dexterous paws, giving them the ability to open cabinets, drawers, refrigerators, and more. They can find things and hide them, or burry them in another hole they’ve dug. Raccoons must be un-caged to live healthy lives, and must be able to roam free. This means a raccoon would need constant supervision to prevent these situations from happening.

Health Consequences

Raccoons are carriers of many diseases commonly found in wild animals. Illnesses such as rabies, distemper, canine hepatitis, and round worm can be spread to other pets and even humans living among the raccoon. Raccoons also have very dense fur which can be a huge allergy catalyst for anyone who suffers from sinus and allergy issues or asthma.

The Law

The first thing to really consider when in adopting a baby raccoon is the law. In most states, it is illegal to own a raccoon. If caught, a person can lose their pet ownership rights altogether, and be subjected to many hefty fines. In other states, it is legal to own a raccoon, but this type of pet ownership requires an exotic pet license. You will have to look up your local city council ordinances to find out about these laws.

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis

Call Raccoon Removal Indianapolis at 317-535-4605 for professional raccoon control and rescue services. We are DNR licensed raccoon control contractors with decades of experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. We offer a wide range of raccoon control services, including raccoon removal, raccoon-proofing, raccoon cleanup, minor attic restorations, and more. Call us today at 317-535-4605 to get rid of raccoons in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.

What to Do if You Find Baby Raccoons on Your Property

Although it is not necessarily raccoon breeding season, it is still common to find baby raccoons near suburban communities this time of year. Due to high rates of development and construction, wild raccoons have been forced to acclimate to these new surroundings and environment. Unfortunately for homeowners, raccoons have quickly adapted to residential living, and have found ways to survive among us. This is unfortunate for homeowners because raccoons have learned to gain access to attics, crawl spaces, sheds, barns, garages, wall spaces, and other residential areas for shelter and breeding needs.

As mentioned before, it is not raccoon breeding season, but in this type of commune, raccoons can comfortably breed year-round. If you stumble upon a brood of baby raccoons, also called kits, in or around your home, make the right decision on what to do next. Continue reading to learn how to safely and humanely handle a situation in which you discover baby raccoons in or around your home.

What Not to Do

Before discussing options on how to handle a baby raccoon discovery in your home or property, it is important to address the options that are not recommended. For example, attempting to domesticate a baby raccoon is ill-advised by wildlife control experts and enthusiasts. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is an obvious one: it takes thousands of years to “domesticate” a breed of animal. Dogs and cats have been domesticated for this long; which is why they are successful human companions and house pets. As for raccoons, this is simply not possible. Even raising an animal from a baby cannot thwart their natural animal instincts that have been instilled in them for hundreds of centuries. Domesticating a wild animal is simply trouble.

Raccoons are clever and can quickly learn to open doors, search for food, and cause extensive amounts of destruction during playtime. Not only can this implicate your home’s value and its furnishings, it can be costly to repair and replace all the damages. Outdoor shelters and living spaces are not recommended as a solution to this problem. Raccoons are meant to roam free as wild animals and should not be held captive by humans for entertainment. Keeping a raccoon as an outdoor pet can lead to potential injuries to neighborhood children and residents too.

Another approach that is not recommended and should NEVER be considered is exterminating the baby raccoons. It is never advised and highly looked down on to injury, harm, or kill an innocent wild animal. There are various shelters and animal rescue facilities that will gladly accept these animals without question or cost. Never kill or hurt a baby raccoon.

The Right Approach

So if you happen to stumble upon a colony of baby kits, be sure to never attempt any of the above mentioned scenarios. Not only does this protect the safety of the baby raccoons, it protects you and your family as well. Here are some examples, recommended by industry professionals and supporters, of what you should do if you find baby raccoons or any other young wild animal on your property:

• Never Touch or Move Them
• Call a Wildlife Rescue Business or Local Animal Control Company
• Clear the Around Them for Safety and Better Access
• Keep Them Protected From Possible Harm without Touching or Moving Them
• Wait for Animal Removal Professionals to Arrive

Be sure to follow these steps for your own safety and the safety of the baby raccoons, as mentioned before. This is vital for the survival and well-being of the animals. Choose a reputable wildlife control company that uses safe and humane methods to capture and release animals without harming or killing them in anyway. These reputable companies should be able to provide immediate services in a case such as this and never charge a fee for picking up baby raccoons (unless additional effort and work is needed to access them). Either way, a good company will provide all these services and more for the best rate in town.

Indiana Raccoon Removal

If you are a resident of Indianapolis, then the right company to choose is Indiana Raccoon Removal. You can reach a live DNR licensed raccoon control specialist at 317-535-4605 day or night. We offer emergency services, raccoon control, removal, prevention, cleanup, restorations, repairs, and more. Just visit https://www.raccoonremovalindianapolis.com for additional services and company background information. If you need affordable and reliable raccoon control in Indianapolis, call Indiana Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 today!