The Common Raccoon is a fascinating mammal to learn about all around, but their quickness and dexterity are especially intriguing. Wild raccoons have human-like paws that allows them to grasp, pull, push, and pry just like our hands! On top of dexterous paws and sharp claws, raccoons are highly intelligent creatures that can remember, solve problems, and plan better than most other forest animals.
These attributes and more contribute to a raccoon’s agility and allows them to be better predators, breeders, and gatherers, and to better protect themselves and their young from harm. Continue reading to learn about raccoon agility, and what they are physically capable of in the wild.
Raccoon Behavior
Raccoons are highly agile mammals, capable of running, climbing, and even swimming, starting at a young age. As early as a few months old, raccoon babies, called “kits” or “pups”, are learning all of these abilities and more from their mother. Soon after, they are ready to be out on their own, climbing and swimming and running and hunting with the rest of the pack!
Raccoons are fairly fast runners for a medium-sized forest mammal. They can achieve short distance running sprint speeds of ten to fifteen miles per hour. That’s faster than some overweight house cats! And because raccoon’s hind legs are longer than their front, they appear hunched whether walking or running.
Running is not the raccoon’s most impressive ability. Truth be told, they are excellent climbers. Raccoons use trees for protection when raising their young, to hide from grounded predators, and to dine on all the wonderful yields a tree has to offer (i.e. acorns, fruits, nuts, etc.). Raccoons can climb trees as high as 50 feet or more, with really no limit in height, only in desire!
Aside from running and swimming, raccoons are good swimmers too. Yes they can swim, and at a very young age (as young as 7 weeks old)! Not only can raccoons swim, they can remain in water for several hours, but not underwater of course. Raccoons are warm-blooded mammals that need oxygen to breathe!
If you have a raccoon problem on your property, call a professional wildlife rescue and control company for safe and humane raccoon removal services. Raccoons are known to climb roofs, access homes, get into swimming pools, and cause an endless potential for mess and structural damage.
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control
Call 317-535-4605 for safe and humane, non-lethal raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and experienced wildlife removal contractors that provide residential and commercial wildlife control services at the most competitive prices in town. We will get rid of raccoons at a fair and honest price, and with a level of professionalism that will leave you satisfied. Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can count on!