How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic

Are you dealing with an infestation of raccoons in your attic? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Raccoons are notorious for entering attics and causing all sorts of damage. But the good news is that it’s possible to get rid of them without too much trouble. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to successfully remove raccoons from your attic and keep them away for good.

Read on to learn more about effective strategies for getting rid of pesky raccoon intruders!

Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Attic Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Attic Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis IN

Common Signs of Raccoons in the Attic

If you’ve been experiencing strange noises or disturbances coming from your attic, it’s possible that you have some furry friends living up there. Raccoons are notorious for finding their way into attics and creating a home for themselves. One of the most common signs of raccoons in the attic is the sound of scratching, thumping, or scurrying. You may also notice droppings or urine stains, as well as damage to insulation, ductwork, or wiring. If you suspect that raccoons have taken up residence in your attic, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential health hazards.

Step-By-Step Guide for Getting Rid of Raccoons:

Identify All Raccoon Entry Points

The first step in getting rid of raccoons in the attic is to identify any potential entry points. Raccoons are small and agile, so they can often find their way into spaces that seem impenetrable. Look for possible openings around windows, doors, or vents, which could be used as an entry point. Once you’ve identified these areas, seal them off with sturdy materials like metal flashing or hardware cloth to make sure the raccoons can’t get back in again.

Procure Raccoon Exclusion and Proofing Devices

Next up is exclusion. To exclude raccoon intruders from your attic, you’ll need to install one-way exclusion devices at all potential access points. These devices allow the animals to leave your property but block them from re-entering. Make sure to check that the devices you’re using are raccoon-proof, as some smaller critters can squeeze through openings that may be too small for a raccoon.

Eliminate All Food Sources

Another important step in getting rid of raccoons in your attic is to remove all sources of food and shelter. Raccoons will often seek out attics due to the warmth and protection they offer from the elements. To prevent them from taking up residence, make sure to keep pet food inside, pick up fallen fruit from trees, and clean up any spilled bird seed or garbage that could serve as an attractive meal for these creatures.

Hire a Professional Raccoon Removal and Control Service

Finally, you may need to call in a professional raccoon removal and control company in Indianapolis if your efforts have not been successful. Wildlife control experts are trained to humanely legally remove raccoons from your property, as well as offering advice on how to prevent future infestations.

Getting rid of raccoons in the attic may seem like a daunting task at first, but with these tips, you can successfully evict these creatures from your home and keep them away for good!

Do you want to safely remove raccoons and prevent future animal problems on your property? Contact Indianapolis Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon control services you can trust.

Related Posts:

How to Determine if You Have an Infestation of Raccoons in Your Home
The Dangers of Trying to Remove Raccoons Yourself
How Raccoon-Proof Do You Think Your House Is?

How Can Raccoons Damage an Attic?

Raccoons often look for shelter this time of year, before the temperatures drop and the outdoor conditions are harsh. Attics are one of the most common areas to find raccoon infestations because they are warm, cozy and private. This makes them a prime focus when it comes to animal-proofing for the winter. Continue reading to learn what kinds of damage raccoons are capable of, and what you can do to ensure your home is protected this season.

Indianapolis Raccoon Cleanup and Restoration 317-535-4605

Indianapolis Raccoon Cleanup and Restoration 317-535-4605

Raccoon Attic Damages

The extent of damage raccoons can cause to an interior space like an attic are virtually limitless. Not only are they incredible smart, they have dexterous paws that give them human-like grasping abilities. These attributes allow raccoons to do pull, tear, grip, rip, and destroy anything in site. But their hands alone are not their only weapon of destruction; raccoons also have sharp teeth, and a digestive tract just like the rest of us.

Here’s a breakdown of the most common raccoon damages found in attics:

Chewed Stuff

As mentioned, raccoons have some sharp teeth, 40 in total, including four long and sharp canine teeth. In nature, raccoons use their teeth as a means of survival since it helps them maintain their omnivorous diet. But in attics, they use their teeth to gnaw on everything in sight, including wooden beams, eaves, drywall, paneling, electrical wires, soffits, and more. Some of these damages can be especially hazardous, like chewed electrical wiring, which can short circuit or catch fire.

Soiled Stuff

Also mentioned, raccoons have a healthy digestive tract, which is not good news for attics housing them. Raccoons will soil everything in sight with their urine and droppings. Not only does this ruin just about everything it touches, it can create awful odors and stains to leak into the living quarters of a home or building. Furthermore, it is quite unsanitary and can lead to certain illness in both people and pets. After a raccoon infestation is extracted, the entire area must be decontaminated, sanitized, and restored.

Torn Stuff

Raccoons like a warm and cozy place to rest their sleepy heads after a long night of scavenging for food. But the attic space is not enough; they need something soft and cushion-like to sleep. In an attic, insulation works best for this. Raccoons will rip down all of the attic insulation to make nests for resting and raising their young. They will also rip up floorboards and ceiling boards, tear off siding and fascia, puncture holes in drywall, and much more.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Restoration Services

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional, 24 hour emergency raccoon removal in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control contractors who offer residential and commercial raccoon abatement services at the most competitive prices in town, including minor attic restorations for raccoon damages. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Where to Find Raccoon Clean Up Services Near You

Raccoons can cause an extensive amount of damage in a person’s home or property. They are commonly found nesting in attics, porch areas, crawl spaces, hollowed trees, garages, and roofs. Within these areas, they breed and feed throughout each season of the year. And as expected of wild animals, they chew, destroy, and defecate on everything. Electrical wiring can be chewed through, wood and sheet rock can become saturated with urine and droppings, and attic and wall insulation can be torn apart and used for burrowing.

All these things are very common scenarios that professional raccoon removal specialists have seen all too often, in both residential and commercial properties. The question is, “What do you do once the raccoons are discovered and removed?” And, “Who cleans up this huge mess of raccoon droppings, debris, and damage?” Fortunately, the answer is quite simple:

Call Our Licensed Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control Company!

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Industry Specialists vs. General Contractors

There will be structural damages to a home or property if raccoons have been nesting there for a moderate period of time. These damages could easily be restored by a general contractor or home restoration company, but these contractors do not specialize in animal restoration and cleanup, nor do they retain the industry-accepted equipment necessary to implement such services.

The key to getting reliable service at a fair price is to hire an industry specific company that provides raccoon extraction and exclusion services. Home repair companies and large contracting businesses will charge extreme amounts of money, including estimate costs, surcharges, inspection charges, and upfront fees. Furthermore, they will not likely perform insurance claim work.

An industry specific company, like a raccoon removal company, has extensive experience in raccoon repairs and restorations. They will charge fair and competitive rates, and offer free inspections and estimates in most cases. Also, a dependable raccoon removal company can work side-by-side with your home owners’ insurance company, to get everything covered before starting the project. Not only will these companies do restorations and repairs, they will provide comprehensive raccoon cleanup and decontamination services.

Cleaning Up After Raccoons

Raccoons leave behind unhygienic messes that can seep into the living quarters of a home or property. These include droppings, saturated wood and floor boards, bad odors, chewed electrical wiring, torn insulation, rotting foods, and more. After a professional raccoon removal company gets rid of raccoons, they will clean up the mess and destruction left behind. As industry professionals, they retain the special equipment and cleaning agents needed to safely and effectively eliminate odors and bacteria, an return the area to a safe and hygienic space. Once the decontamination and cleaning process is complete, they will finish by restoring the damaged space back to its original condition.

A Better Option than DIY

This is a great service for people recently involved in a raccoon infestation. Cleaning up raccoon mess on your own is extremely difficult. You have to make sure you cover every aspect and clean and sanitize everything with the right chemicals and cleaning agents. Hiring a company to do everything in one for you takes away the stress of seeing all the damage and cleaning it all up. It reduces the time and effort you would have to spend on everything as well.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and experienced wildlife control specialists who only use safe and humane methods to exclude and extract raccoons. We also offer 24 hour emergency service, raccoon cleanup and restoration, inspections, and raccoon-proofing. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate, today.