How to Keep Raccoons Out of the Garden

Gardens are a great source of nutritious produce right at your fingertips. But at night when they are unattended, gardens are like a free buffet for raccoons. If you are noticing that your gardens are being pillaged by nuisance wildlife during the night, raccoons are likely to blame. Not only are they intelligent and can remember where food sources are located, they have human-like paws that can prick, pry, pluck, and more.

If you want to stop nuisance raccoons from destroying your cherished gardens, continue reading to learn what you need to do.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Raccoons and Gardens

Why do raccoons love your garden? Because they are opportunistic feeders; they will eat meat, vegetables, fruit, grains, and even the Coco Crispiesâ  they find in the trash can. As omnivores, raccoons will take great pleasure in eating everything your garden has to offer, from herb and cabbages, to cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, potatoes, mild peppers, corn, and more.

Raccoon Control

The best way to stop raccoons from pillaging your gardens every night is to implement certain environmental modifications. First, plant things that raccoons hate around the perimeter of your garden, such as spicy peppers, menthol, and marigolds. Then, you must remove all other attractions from your property that raccoons take interest in, namely food and water like bird baths, pet food, and squirrel feeders.

Once you have put these environmental modifications into effect, your next step is to consider some form of fencing around your garden. Chicken wire works well, but many homeowners do not like the look. Another options, as mentioned, is planting a fence of marigolds. Raccoons hate the sticky, prickly vines and foliage of marigolds, and will not try too hard to surpass them.

Another option is professional raccoon control services. Not only can a professional raccoon control company implement these same environmental modifications for you, they can also ensure that your home and adjacent shelters (i.e. barns, sheds, garages, etc.) are not vulnerable to invasion. They will inspect and seal all openings and vulnerable areas so that raccoons cannot enter inside.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional raccoon removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control contractors who offer residential and commercial raccoon abatement services at the most competitive prices in town, including minor attic restorations for raccoon damages. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Raccoon Removal Indianapolis Offers Workable Solutions for Springtime Raccoon Problems

When you are experiencing raccoon problems around your property, we are the DNR licensed experts to trust for safe, efficient, and affordable raccoon removal and control.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Here at, our specialists retain the latest technologies and advanced equipment to diagnose and treat any raccoon infestation or problem a property owner may have, regardless of size or scope. We are highly trained and DNR (Department of Natural Resources) licensed wildlife abatement specialists who have specialized in raccoon removal for more than 30 years. This means we know exactly how these mammals operate, and can quickly identify signs of an infestation, or a colony’s whereabouts.

Safe and Humane Indiana Raccoon Removal

When it comes to our methods, you can rest assure that we never harm or kill raccoons; instead, only use safe and humane techniques to implement our animal extraction and exclusion services. We accomplish this in many ways, including always making sure we avoid non-target animals, as well as, never using poisons, repellents, fatal devices, nor environmentally-damaging or toxic products to conduct our work.

Our certified professionals adhere to all industry-accepted standards and best practices, as well as, operate within all local, state, and federal laws that govern wildlife. We simple trap or extract raccoons, apply preventative maintenance and animal-proofing strategies, and then clean up the mess they left behind.

We provide a wide range of services on top of raccoon removal, including raccoon control, raccoon-proofing, raccoon clean-up, minor attic restorations, preventative maintenance, damage repair, odor removal, free estimates, emergency services, dead animal removal, 24 hour emergency service, integrated pest management solutions, abandoned animal rescue, post service checkups, and even free estimates and advice, and more! We also offer advice and knowledge on how to prevent nuisance animal problems in residential and commercial areas.

Cost-Effective Solutions for Everyone

When you need fast and effective Indianapolis raccoon removal, we are the professionals that offer the right solutions at the right price! Trust our professionals to provide punctual and effective raccoon removal services when you need them most. We always show up on-time, neatly dressed, and fully equipped to carry out services if need be. Consider an in-home inspection at the start of the spring to ensure your home is pest-free and free of vulnerable spots and openings that wild animals use to gain access inside. By fixing these problems now, you can prevent structural damages and messy raccoon infestations.

Contact Us Today for Free Advice and More!

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Raccoon Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Contact us at 317-535-4605 to learn more about our guidelines regarding insurance policy claims for raccoon damages in Indianapolis, Indiana. When you call our company, you can expect a prompt and friendly hello from a DNR licensed raccoon control contractor that will discuss your raccoon problems and set up a consultation time. Our wildlife control specialists retain the most up-to-date knowledge and training on raccoon control, as well as, remain fully equipped with all the latest technologies and resources for safe and humane raccoon extraction and exclusion.

Educational Facts about Raccoons

Raccoons are highly intelligent, medium-sized mammals, native to North America. They are a part of the Procyonidae family, and categorized under the Procyon genus. Procyon literally translates to “doglike”; intending to denote the social and physical behaviors of the Procyon Lotor, or raccoon species. They are nocturnal animals that sleep during the day and remain active at night. Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat everything that a human likes to eat. This includes fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, grains, oats, and more. Although they like to eat these foods, they mostly feed on small animals, insects, and wild vegetation and flora.

Get to Know Raccoons!

Raccoons are very intelligent, as mentioned before; but they are also very intuitive and have excellent memories. This is why raccoons are also known as pests in rural and city areas. They are perfect bandits when it comes to hunting down food and shelter in residential and commercial neighborhoods. They remember where all the good spots are, and how to get the food they want and so desperately need.

Raccoons use their human-like paws to pry open doors, windows, locks, and more. They can gain entry into a home or building in as little as one night. They build nests, breed, and feed their colonies in whichever shelter they find. This can cause a large amount of damage and mess. This is where a professional raccoon control company comes into play. They retain the proper equipment and training to professionally cleanup raccoon messes and provide minor attic or exterior repairs for raccoon damages.

Raccoons are generally medium-sized mammals, but can grow upwards of 40 pounds or more! It all depends on the abundance of food and food sources available to the raccoon, and the environment in which they live. Obviously domesticated raccoons weigh more than wild ones because they have a consistent food source, but wild raccoons can also get large as well. The average raccoon is around three feet tall, or long, and weights between 20 and 30 pounds. One of the largest raccoons was recorded at a weight of 60 pounds!

When it comes to the lifespan of wild raccoons, theories and evidence are inconsistent. A raccoon’s lifespan can vary greatly. It all depends on the resources, environment, and circumstances of the raccoon or its colony. Again, domesticated raccoons are likely to live longer because they have access to veterinary care, food, nutrients, and protection. Wild raccoons, on the other hand, can live long or perish young, depending on the situation. On average, wild raccoons live between 5 and 10 years; whereas, captive raccoons can live up to 20.

If you are experiencing raccoon problems on your property, please keep in mind that they are fascinating and intelligent creatures that just need food and shelter. Instead of harming or loathing them, contact a professional raccoon control company for emergency services. Choose a company that uses safe and humane methods to remove raccoons or stop a raccoon infestation problem, as well as, provide cleanup and prevention services too.

Indiana Raccoon Removal

Call Indiana Raccoon Removal at 317-535-4605 for prompt raccoon control services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Our highly trained and DNR licensed wildlife removal experts have decades of experience in the raccoon control industry. We use safe and humane methods to extract raccoons and relocate them to a safe and faraway habitat. We offer raccoon cleanup, prevention, emergency services, and much more. Call 317-535-4605 and request a free estimate for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control, today.

Sick Raccoons: If it’s Not Rabies, it’s Probably Distemper

Since raccoons are nocturnal, spotting one out during the day might instantly lead you to believe that it is sick with the Rabies virus. But more often than not, what may initially appear as Rabies is actually another type of viral disease called Canine Distemper. Continue reading to learn how to identify signs of Distemper in raccoons, and what you should do if you ever come across a sick raccoon during the daytime.

Raccoon Distemper

Raccoon Distemper is a highly infectious viral disease that is similar to the measles virus. It’s commonly found in wild raccoons and other nuisance wildlife as well. If you own a cat or dog, then you may be familiar with the Canine Distemper vaccine. This is a common vaccination given to pets every year to boost their immunity to the Distemper virus in case they ever come in contact with it some way or another.

It is spread just like a common cold, by airborne droplets of bodily fluid or discharges (i.e. sneeze, cough, spit, mucus, saliva, blood, feces, etc.). This virus can cause partial paralysis, violent seizures, fevers, vomiting, and more, and can affect both humans and pets. Without vaccinations, pets are unlikely to survive the virus, whereas, humans can be treated and cured. It is strongly suggested to have your pets vaccinated against Rabies, Distemper, Lyme, Leptospirosis, and more. Consider your veterinarian’s advice in terms of annual pet vaccines.

Distemper in Raccoons

If you spot a raccoon out during the day, alone and behaving oddly, then it is very likely that it is sick. Many symptoms of sickness fall into several of the same categories, so what sometimes seems like one illness is actually another. But in terms of Distemper, a raccoon that has been infected with the virus may display the following signs:

• Wet Eyes
• Runny Nose
• Lethargy/Fatigue
• Aggression
• Lack of Ability to Stand or Walk
• Loss of Appetite
• Inactivity
• Confusion
• Diarrhea
• And More

Spotting a Raccoon Nearby

If you happen to come across a raccoon during the day, whether they appear to exhibit signs of sickness or not, always keep your distance and never taunt them. Just because a raccoon is out during the day does not always mean there is something wrong with their health; they may just be lost from their mother, or foraging for food a bit early.

So regardless if a raccoon is sick or not, never attempt to approach or touch a wild raccoon. Instead, turn around and go the other way, or simply wait for the raccoon to wander off. If the raccoon appears sick and is on public property, there is no way to tell if it will move from that spot or not. In this case, as a Good Samaritan, it is polite to notify a raccoon removal company to pick up the sick raccoon so that it cannot indirectly harm another person, child, or pet.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional raccoon removal services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We are highly trained and DNR licensed wildlife control contractors with decades of experience providing safe and humane raccoon exclusion services for residential and commercial properties. We offer raccoon removal, raccoon cleanup, minor attic restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon proofing, and much more. Call 317-535-4605 today for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can trust!

The Fascinating Agility of the Common Raccoon

The Common Raccoon is a fascinating mammal to learn about all around, but their quickness and dexterity are especially intriguing. Wild raccoons have human-like paws that allows them to grasp, pull, push, and pry just like our hands! On top of dexterous paws and sharp claws, raccoons are highly intelligent creatures that can remember, solve problems, and plan better than most other forest animals.

These attributes and more contribute to a raccoon’s agility and allows them to be better predators, breeders, and gatherers, and to better protect themselves and their young from harm. Continue reading to learn about raccoon agility, and what they are physically capable of in the wild.

Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons are highly agile mammals, capable of running, climbing, and even swimming, starting at a young age. As early as a few months old, raccoon babies, called “kits” or “pups”, are learning all of these abilities and more from their mother. Soon after, they are ready to be out on their own, climbing and swimming and running and hunting with the rest of the pack!

Raccoons are fairly fast runners for a medium-sized forest mammal. They can achieve short distance running sprint speeds of ten to fifteen miles per hour. That’s faster than some overweight house cats! And because raccoon’s hind legs are longer than their front, they appear hunched whether walking or running.

Running is not the raccoon’s most impressive ability. Truth be told, they are excellent climbers. Raccoons use trees for protection when raising their young, to hide from grounded predators, and to dine on all the wonderful yields a tree has to offer (i.e. acorns, fruits, nuts, etc.). Raccoons can climb trees as high as 50 feet or more, with really no limit in height, only in desire!

Aside from running and swimming, raccoons are good swimmers too. Yes they can swim, and at a very young age (as young as 7 weeks old)! Not only can raccoons swim, they can remain in water for several hours, but not underwater of course. Raccoons are warm-blooded mammals that need oxygen to breathe!

If you have a raccoon problem on your property, call a professional wildlife rescue and control company for safe and humane raccoon removal services. Raccoons are known to climb roofs, access homes, get into swimming pools, and cause an endless potential for mess and structural damage.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for safe and humane, non-lethal raccoon removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and experienced wildlife removal contractors that provide residential and commercial wildlife control services at the most competitive prices in town. We will get rid of raccoons at a fair and honest price, and with a level of professionalism that will leave you satisfied. Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis raccoon removal and control you can count on!